Twelve years on – remembering tragic Shafilea


TODAY marks the first-ever annual memorial day for victims of honour-based violence – a day that is particularly poignant in Warrington because it would have been the 29th birthday of local girl Shafilea Ahmed.
She was killed by her parents in 2003 and her death led to a major murder hunt which eventually led to her mother and father being convicted.
But worldwide, an estimated 5,000 are killed each year for bringing “shame” to their families.
At least 12 of them are British.
Det Supt Nigel Wenham, from Cheshire Constabulary’s public protection directorate said: “Honour based violence can affect both men and women, and cuts across a number of cultures and communities.
“Honour based abuse often occurs when perpetrators perceive that a relative has shamed the family and community by breaking their honour code. It is an under-reported crime across the country and it’s important that we do all we can to raise awareness of the issue, bringing it to the forefront of people’s minds and giving victims the confidence to come forward and seek help.
“Nationally, we are making headway in the fight against tackling honour based violence, female genital mutilation and forced marriage.
“You may recall earlier this year that a man was jailed for 16 years for forcing a woman to marry him, and this was the first successful prosecution of its kind.
Honour based violence can include: Acid attacks, Assault, Blood feuds,     Disfigurement, Domestic abuse, Dowry, False imprisonment, Female genital mutilation, Forced marriage, Forced repatriation, Harassment, Murder,    Kidnap, Stalking, Self-harm, suicide, Rape and sexual assault.
Supt Wenham added: “If you are suffering any form of abuse in relation to honour issues or forced marriage, or you’re aware of someone at risk please report it, by calling Cheshire Police on 101.
“In an emergency please dial 999. All reports are treated with professionalism and compassion and we will do our utmost to work with partner agencies to provide you will all the help and support you need.” added Detective Superintendent Wenham.
Shafilea, a Great Sankey High School pupil, was 17 when she was murdered by her parents because they believed she had brought shame on their family.
They suffocated her in front of her siblings and then dumped her body in a river in Cumbria.


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