Resident wins swimming pool appeal


A RESIDENT of tree-lined Lakeside Road, Lymm has won planning consent for a single storey building to house a swimming pool at the rear of their home.
An inspector appointed by the government has allowed an appeal by Mr C Thompson against Warrington Borough Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for the development  in March
The inspector, Mark Caine says the main issue is the effect of the proposed development on the living conditions of an adjacent house, with particular regard to outlook.
He said the swimming pool building would be linked to the main house – a large detached house within a substantial plot.
While the extension would be in an elongated form, spanning more than half the length of the back garden area, the garden, and that of the adjoining house, were of significant size
The nearest ground floor habitable window at the house next door was set away from the shared boundary by a considerable distance. While the pool building would be visible from ground floor windows and the garden of the house next door, there was a tall, mature hedge that would screen most of it and, in addition, the garden area was set at a lower level than the house next door, helping to reduce the impact.
Mr Caine said for these reasons he had concluded that the proposal would not materially harm the living conditions of the house next door.
Picture: select Lakeside Road.


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