Join a council budget-boosting club


PEOPLE aged over 18 in Warrington who are struggling to get a job, or finding it hard to make ends meet, are being urged to join one of the borough council’s free budget boosting clubs.
Council staff are on hand to help people get “job-ready” and offer useful advice on how to boost household income.
They will help with writing a CV, registering with job agencies, accessing job sites and work searches.
A family income and employment officer will also be on hand to advise on how to make the most of household income by reviewing current circumstances and recommending some positive steps to help people generate additional funds.
This includes a check on benefit entitlements, changing to lower cost energy providers, joining a credit union and providing tips on shopping and cooking to make savings.
The clubs are free and offer both group, family or one-to-one sessions to people aged 18 and over, in a friendly, welcoming environment. They are held weekly and each session lasts two hours.
Clubs are held on:
*Tuesdays – 10am-12pm: Orford Community Hub, Festival Avenue, Orford
*Wednesdays – 10am-12pm: Fearnhead Community Centre, Insall Road
*Wednesdays – 1pm-3pm: Westy Community Centre, Bridgewater Avenue
*Thursdays – 10am-12pm: Whitecross Community Centre, Lexden Street.
Cllr Kate Hannon, the council’s lead member for leisure, community and culture, said: “When you are living on a tight budget it can seem like a constant struggle. Not only does it cause considerable stress but it can be difficult to see a way out.
“Our budget boosting clubs offer constructive and practical support to help you examine the way you live, review your living costs and help you take some positive steps towards gaining control.
“I would urge anyone struggling to find a job opportunity or needing to generate more income to come along to one of our local clubs.”
For further information on the council’s budget boosting clubs, call 01925 231720 or contact [email protected].


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