MP to chair new select committee


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones has been elected as chairman of the new House of Commons Select Committee on Petitions.
It is a brand new select committee which will look at both e-petitions and paper petitions.
There will be a new e-petitions website, jointly owned by the House of Commons and the Government. MPs will also continue to be able to present paper petitions.
The committee will look at both kinds of petition and decide whether to take any action, such as:
* ask petitioners for more information about their petition, in person or in writing;
* refer a petition to the relevant select committee;
* ask for more information from the Government, orally or in writing, on the subject of a petition; and/or
put forward petitions for debate.
Ms Jones said: “With the brand new committee we have a really exciting opportunity for the public to make sure their views are heard by MPs and Ministers. It will be an accessible way for people to see democracy in action and learn more about how it works.
“I am looking forward to working with the rest of the committee to find new and innovative ways — alongside some traditional methods — for us to engage with the concerns that people raise in petitions. When people sign a petition, they will also have an opportunity to learn more about the work that Parliament does on their behalf.”
The remaining members of the committee will nominated by the House in the coming weeks.


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