Violence on the streets


A HORRIFIED councillor has spoken of “deplorable” scenes of violence on the streets of Warrington as shown on CCTV footage.
Coun John Morris – who is a solicitor – said he was shocked by the behaviour he saw on CCTV tapes sent to his office.
“I’m surprised more people have not been killed,” he told the borough council.
He was commenting on a 10-point plan adopted by the council to tackle alcohol problems and anti-social behaviour in the wake of the murder of Garry Newlove and other killings and woundings on the town’s streets.
Coun Morris (pictured) described the final point in the plan – a decision to ask the town’s MPs to press for changes in the law to make it easier to take action against persistent offenders – as “rather amateurish.”
He said: “The legislation is already in place. The police have adequate powers to clamp down on the offenders. The local authority controls the licensed premises.
“I support the plan but, frankly, we should be putting any changes we want in print.
“We are not actually suggesting what should be done.”
He was supported by Coun Fiona Bruce – also a solicitor – who said the challenge was to discover the underlying problem and what made young people drink excessively.
What was needed was a change of culture – but it was a big challenge and one that was not going to be achieved overnight.
Coun Maureen Banner warned the council not to “demonise” children and young people. Only a small minority of young people caused problems.
Coun Sheila Woodyatt said a lot of incidents in the town centre were caused by people considerably older than teenagers.
Council leader Ian Marks agreed that parts of the plan were rather vague. But it was not cast in stone – it could be changed.
He did not think Warrington had any bigger problem with anti-social behaviour than other similar towns. But one problem was that the town was second only to Blackpool for the number of licensed premises concentrated in an area.
Warrington was working with the police and neighbouring authorities to come up with ideas for additional legislation, he said


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Concerned Warrington on

    Warrington now has a reputation as THE place to come to for cheap booze, late night/early morning drinking and a place you can have a good fight if you want one!

    How will the council change that?

  2. Upon returning to Warrington several years after leaving, I was shocked and disgusted to see what has become of the town centre, and it’s drinking and brawling nightlife.

    Where were your rules and regulations when it all started some fifteen years ago, and why has it been allowed to snowball into this chaotic state ?

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