Thursday 18th January 2007


Row over unfair
equal pay deal

by Gary Skentelbery

A bitter row has broken out over equal pay deal for council employees which has been slammed as unfair, unjustifiable and a poor deal by former council leader Coun John Joyce.
But the move has been defended by Council leader Ian Marks who accused Coun Joyce of getting his facts wrong and avoiding the important issue of sorting out an equal pay deal for council employees while Labour were in control.
Coun Marks said: “This problem arises because the Labour party refused to grasp the nettle for many years and now we are having to pick up the pieces and deal with this important issue by the end of March this year!”
Labour claim the ruling Lib Dem and Tory groups “steam rollered” through a package at the Full Council meeting which would;

Approve the use of up to ?3.5million to settle equal pay claims from the council?s reserves
Once only settlements to entitled employees of up to ?8,000
Ignore the advice of the District Auditor
Jettison long established negotiation links with workplace trade unions
Coun Joyce said: ?We accept that this issue presents a dilemma to the council but the approach of the new administration cannot be justified and in my view discriminates against many council employees in lower paid jobs.
?To ignore established negotiation channels with the trade unions marks a new low in industrial relations in the council and dismisses the District Auditor who is also supportive of a negotiated settlement.
?The decision carries considerable risk and may still not end equal pay claims against the council.
?Taken as a package this represents an unfair, unjustifiable and poor deal for affected council employees.?
But Coun Marks hit back saying:”Contrary to what Coun Joyce says the council has acted in line with the views of the District Auditor and it would be totally wrong to do otherwise. The council has acted in a very responsible way and has adopted a policy in line with many other local authorities.
“No employee is being forced to take up our offer and the choice is left up to them.”
The Equal Pay Act 1970 makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate between men and women in terms of their pay and conditions where they are doing the same or similar work; work rated as equivalent; or work of equal value.

Blushing Bride on
a bike for two!

by Gary Skentelbery

BLUSHING Bride Sadie King arrived at church on time – on a bicycle made for two!
Sadie, 29, from Lymm, near Warrington, was taken to church in her ruby-coloured wedding dress by dad Rod King, who decided a pedal-power was a great way to mark his daughter’s special day.
The trip, from her parents’ home in Pepper Street to St Mary’s church is just over one mile but it was mostly all uphill.
Cycle campaigner Rod, a computer consultant said: “We did a practice run the day before the wedding but I didn’t put in a lot of practice as I am a keen cyclist and it’s not that far and we got to the church on time.
“The vehicle is called a pedi-cab and it is totally pedal-powered.
“It also looks a bit like a golf buggy but it just has my legs to move it. I thought it would be a nice way for me to get my daughter to the church as I am passionate about cycling.
“Even though she wasn’t so keen I knew she would enjoy the experience and it would make it extra special.”
The father of the bride borrowed a four-wheeled pedi-cab from Salford-based charity Cycling Projects where he is a trustee.
Rod added: “I only had to cycle with her to the church. After that I let her and her new husband, Martyn Hopley, get into a car, which meant I could relax at the reception!”

TV cameras will make
wedding extra special

by Gary Skentelbery

A WARRINGTON couple are set to let their big day be arranged by family and friends as part of a primetime TV show.
Paul Conreen, 40, from Warrington and Anneli Johannessen Moe, 25,who orginates from Norway, are getting married on the BBC show ?Who?s wedding is it anyway?? which will be shown on BBC1 in April this year.
The wedding takes place on February 10 and the concept is that friends and family, together with the production company, Lion TV, will plan the wedding, making it all a surprise foir the couple on their big day.
Everything from the food, dress, venue, flowers etc will be a complete surprise.
Paul, who runs his own building company, Warrington Builders and Anneli, who is a singer/songwriter, are no strangers to appearing before the cameras after featuring on ?Ready Steady Cook? with Ainsley Harriet, pictured above.
Paul said: “We are really looking forward to our big day and the surprises our family and friends have in store. It should help make it even more extra special.”

She should
be so lucky!

by Martin O’Neill

Kylie Minogue ticket winner Chrissy McAreavey, got an extra surprise when a stretch limo turned up to take her to the star’s Manchester concert.
Chrissy won the tickets in a Tickled Pink event organised by Sally Czerwinka from Culcheth, Warrington, who raised ?1,000 for Breast cancer awareness.

MP signs up for
protecting consumers

by staff reporter

WARRINGTON South MP Helen Southworth has signed up to a campaign calling for more to be done to protect consumers who use token prepayment meters for their energy supplies so they can avoid the risk of falling into debt.
Helen said: “Every time there is an energy price rise, token prepayment meter users should have their meters manually recalibrated by their energy supplier to take into account any changes. Unfortunately, some suppliers can take up to 12 months to amend meters, despite the fact that prices might have gone up more than once in that period.
“This can leave consumers unaware that they aren’t paying the correct price for the energy they are using and potentially leaving them with a large bill which they may be unable to pay, through no fault of their own.
” It is vital that suppliers of token prepayment meters match industry best practise and that the energy regulator, Ofgem, takes steps to protect consumers against this unfair practise”.
If you use a token prepayment meter and are unsure when your meter was last recalibrated, contact your supplier and ask them to check that you are paying the correct price for your energy supply.

Players stage comedy

BRIDGEWATER Players next production is a comedy by William Norfolk called “Caramba’s Revenge” to be peformed at Thelwall Parish Hall on February 22, 23 and 24.
Tickets are available from Karl Welsh Florist Lymm, Tangles Hair Salon, Lymm or phone Avis on 01925 730390.

Art exhibition

AN exhibition of paintings by members of Lymm Maple Lodge Art Group was staged at Lymm Royal British Legion by Art Forum.
Sale of pictures and calendars and notelets, plus a collection, raised ?631 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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