Thursday 20th September 2007


School closure protesters
plan town hall demo!

by Gary Skentelbery

ANGRY protesters are set to descend on Warrington town hall on Monday to show the strength of feeling against controversial proposals to close down Woolston High School.
Local activists have been busy “rallying the troops” to gather outside the town hall steps at 5.30pm as members of the Executive Board arrive to discuss the recommendations being made to shut the school due to falling pupil numbers.
Now council chiefs have been busy making contingency plans for the demonstration prior to the 6.30pm meeting in the council chamber. Any petitions opposing the closure must be presented between 5.30pm and 6.00pm at the main town hall reception so they can be passed to the executive board members before the meeting. Also protesters wishing to attend should be in their seats by 6.20pm. Due to health and safety restrictions, public space at the meeting is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. But the debate will also be relayed in the main chamber to the foyer so more people can hear the discussion.
Members of the public are not able to make representations to the meeting or take part in any of the debates.
Warrington North MP Helen Jones has condemned the proposals as a “slap in the face for local people” while local Labour councillors have expressed their dismay, saying the decision has been taken on political grounds.
Padgate High School, which had also been under threat is in a Lib Dem ward, with the Lib Dems controlling the council with a Tory alliance, while Woolston is a recent gain for the Labour party.
Since warrington-worldwide highlighted the closure plans on Tuesday nearly 400 people have signed an online petition.
Council leader Ian Marks and his deputy Keith Bland were invited to comment on the closure row but declined to make any comment until after Monday night’s meeting.
Anyone wishing to sign the petition to save the school can do so by following the link

Festival will be
bigger and better

by Gary Skentelbery

THE popular Culcheth Victorian Day is set to be bigger and better this year thanks to joint efforts of Culcheth Parish Council, Culcheth Lions Club and the Newton and District Jubilee Rotary Club.
With the support of Sainsbury’s, CPS, local shopkeepers and businesses, details of this years event are currently being finalised.
With extra Christmas lights planned, more street fairground attractions, organs, as well as the usual brass band and choir there will also be Christmas Fairs in the Parish Hall and Methodist Church and an Art Exhibition!
Even Santa will be there this year!
Tim Yates from the Organising Team said: ?What we’d like to have is for more people to dress up in Victorian fancy dress, decorate the shop windows and join in the fun.
?Are there any budding volunteer street entertainers who can juggle for example, or anyone who could perform as a strolling musician? We are open to suggestions. This is a charity fundraising event, so we are not looking for professional entertainers.?
For more information please contact Tim Yates on 01925 762761 or email [email protected]

Boost for
school campaign

by Mark Hemmings

WARRINGTON based charity, The Relationships Centre, has received ?1,000 to help take the ?Talk, Don?t Walk? message to more schools in the North West.
Marissa Hankinson, spokesperson for ?Talk, Don’t Walk? said: “The donation from Halo Group?s ?Express Yourself? will allow us to distribute the toolkit to every Primary and Secondary School in Cheshire.
?Over 100,000 children run away each year. The toolkit will focus on educating pupils on the issues associated with running away and developing core skills in communication and issue resolution. The teaching toolkit will be launched this month.”
Kate Hardcastle, Director of Marketing for Halo Group and Express Yourself Committee Member, said: “Initiatives such as ?Talk, Don’t Walk? are important to the community.
?Young people need to know that there is an alternative to running away, and we are pleased to support them with this new programme.”
For more information on ?Talk, Don’t Walk? or to get involved, telephone 0800 085 2136.

Nature lovers wanted
by Mark Hemmings

THE Cheshire Wildlife Trust which is working to help species under threat in The Dingle areas of Appleton, Warrington are look for volunteer helpers.
A spokesman for the charity, which is celebrating its 45th birthday this year, said: ?In one generation, many areas of Warrington have lost ? the red squirrel, seven species of butterfly and various other important wildlife.?
The organisation has set out their goals for the next three years ? aiming to make Warrington richer in wildlife buy 2010.
Chris Mahon, Chief Executive said: ?We encourage everyone to visit places were wildlife inhabits, like at The Dingle in Appleton. Unlike the other major national and international wildlife charities we deal with protecting many of the smaller animals who live near you.?
?Our aim is to give everyone a proper wildlife experience ? and so we are urging everyone to do their bit for wildlife by sowing wild flower seeds and putting up a nest box. Individually it may not seem a lot but collectively we can make a difference.?
For more information on the work of Cheshire Wildlife Trust or to become a member log onto

Ladies night!
by John Hendon

A SPECIAL Ladies Night has been organised at Warrington?s Halliwell Jones stadium in aid of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity. The fundraising event will feature a tribute to 1980?s pop group, WHAM and will take place on October 6. Tickets are ?25 and include a two course meal, entertainment, disco and entry in to free prize draw.
Event organiser Helen Isherwood said: ?This is my sixth local event and so far I have raised ?22,000 for Breakthrough.”
For more information on the event, and to purchase tickets contact Helen on 01925 486005.

Homes evacuated
by John Hendon

FIVE homes on Battersby Way, Warrington, were evacuated following a fire at industrial premises, yesterday, Friday.
Police also closed the road while firecrews dampened down a gas cylinder on the site.
The homes were evacuated as a precautionary measure and no one was hurt.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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