Thursday 21st December 2006


New lease of life
for brave Victoria

EXCLUSIVE by Gary Skentelbery

CHRISTMAS has come early for Victoria Smith following a life saving kidney transplant which has given her a new lease of life.
Already feeling the benefits of her new kidney after just a few short weeks, 39-year-old Victoria is now eager to promote the organ donor register.
As a victim of Britain’s fastest growing disease, diabetes, since the age of 12, she started suffering complications about 14 years ago and now suffers numerous diabetes related conditions, including the loss of her sight.
But the new kidney has now given her a new lease of life and although losing her sight has been the most debilitating condition she does not let it stop her living life to the full.
“It’s no good being miserable,” said Victoria who lives in Lymm, Warrington. “If you smile it makes you feel better. You only get one chance of life so I take every day as it comes.
Victoria is a type one insulin dependent diabetic and has to regularly inject herself.
It was a result of having high blood sugar levels for too long which resulted in her losing her sight and facing the need for a kidney transplant. She has now been given the gift of a new lease of life thanks to the donation of a kidney from a 62-year-old man.
She was waiting for a phone call from her friend’s husband about the birth of their first child when she got the call that a donor had been found. She was in hospital within 45 minutes and underwent the operation a few hours later.
“I have become very attached to my new kidney and have even given it a name, Sidney the kidney, in memory of the man who donated it.”
Victoria underwent her life changing operation at Manchester’s Royal Infirmary and is full or praise for the care she received, including her surgeon who left a “lovely little scar.”
“I was one of the lucky ones because I have only been on the waiting list for two years. But there are people dying while they are waiting because organs are in such short supply.
“I know it is a sensitive subject and quite a lot of people don’t want to discuss it but it literally can help save another person’s life.
“It has transformed my life so much I now want to raise awareness of the organ donar register so others can benefit like me. I now have lots more energy and don’t end up falling asleep after just a few hours.”
Victoria was first diagnosed with diabetes as a 12-year-old when she lost weight and was drinking up two bottles of orange squash a day. Other symptoms include aching all over, blurred vision and fatigue.
She has inherited the condition and has two cousins who also suffer from it.
Any one interested in signing up on the Organ Donation Register can call 0845 60 60 400 or visit

Hospital youngsters will
get a gift from Santa

by Lesley Wilkinson

EVERY youngster on the Children’s Ward at Warrington Hospital will receive a gift from Father Christmas tomorrow (Wednesday) thanks to a local charity.
The Shannon Bradshaw Trust, set up in memory of a seven-year-old girl who died from a rare bone marrow disorder, has arranged the treat.
The charity, which raises funds through events including an annual fishing competition, was set up in 2002 by Patti and Alan Bradshaw.
It followed the death of their daughter Shannon from aplastic anaemia – which prevents the bone marrow from producing sufficient red and white blood cells and platelets.
Shannon was treated in the Children’s Ward at Warrington, before being transferred to Alder Hey Hospital.
Patti said: “When Shannon was in hospital, we realised how fundamental emotional and financial support can be. I cannot begin to describe just how important it was when people rallied around us, so we wanted to return that support.
“From the day we arrived at Warrington Hospital, we felt fully supported. The staff, in particular Jane Scott, lavished attention and care on our daughter, so it is fitting that we do something to remember that commitment.
A collection of children’s books and toys have been donated by local stores to the charity.
Jane Scott, senior nurse for children’s services at North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We are really grateful to Patti and Alan for organising this kind donation, the children will be thrilled. Shannon was a lovely girl and it was a pleasure to care for her.”

Boy, 16, robbed
of mountain bike

by David Skentelbery

A 16-year-old boy was robbed of his mountain bike as he rode along Old Hall Road at Warrington.
Police are appealing for witnesses of the incident and have issued a description of the offender.
The boy was near the junction with Weddal Close when the offender, a man aged 30-35, rode along aside him on his own bike and asked if he could have a look at the youngster?s mountain bike.
He then barged into the boy, forcing him to alight from the machine to avoid a fall.
Then he asked again to see the bike ? and rode off on it, leaving his own cycle behind.
Police said the man had short dark, receding hair and stubble and dark rings under his eyes. He was wearing navy blue clothing and gloves.
Anyone who can help police is asked to call them on 0845 458 0000.

Alice meets up
with a white rabbit

by Lesley Wilkinson

THE current “Alice” for the Lewis Carroll Society in Warrington came face to face with a real life “white rabbit” at Walton.
Hannah Rowe, this yea’rs Alice, made a special appearance at the Children’s Zoo in Walton Hall Gardens.
She visited the zoo to meet the rabbits, especially Snowy the resident white rabbit – just like the famous white rabbit who Alice befriends in the story.
Hannah, 11, of Chapel Lane, Appleton Thorn, has joined the individual adoption scheme, run by the Friends of Walton Estate.
She receives a rabbit fact pack, certificate, keyring, newsletters, and a birthday card. She will also be invited to a special adopter’s evening during the summer.
Group adoptions are also available at the zoo and further details are available from Lynne on 01925 261 957.

Demolition plan
for former laundry

by David Skentelbery

PLANS to demolish a former laundry building and an adjoining storage building and replace them with two apartments and a detached house are being recommended for refusal by planning officers at Warrington.
They say the proposed development by house builders Carus Homes would add unnecessarily to a surplus of housing in the borough.
But local councillor Hans Mundry says the existing buildings in St Mary?s Street, Latchford, are creating a health hazard because of vandalism affecting asbestos roofing.
Similar proposals were put forward earlier in the year and were turned down because they would add to the surplus of housing in Warrington.
The applicants argue that the site is in inner Warrington and in an area recognised for housing renewal.
But planners say the scheme would amount to replacing commercial premises with residential, rather than refurbishing existing housing.
The development would not contribute towards wider social or economic regeneration not add to the supply of affordable or social housing.

Heads vote agency
“top of the class”

by Lesley Wilkinson

AN ADVICE agency that offers support for youngsters in Warrington is “top of the class” according to a survey of headteachers.
The heads from secondary schools throughout the town praised Connexions Cheshire and Warrington, which provides help and guidance to young people between the ages of 13 and 19.
The survey carried out by Manchester Metropolitan University revealed that all schools agreed that Connexions staff gave “impartial advice and guidance ensuring every young person’s needs are met.”
It show

ed that 89 per cent of heads thought the agency developed positive and productive relationships with young people, and 83 per cent believe staff have a positive relationship with the Connexions personal advisors.
Heads said they were impressed with the information provided by the agency for use in schools, and that it provided good support for parents and carers offering a “value for money service.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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