Monday 11th December 2006


Amy is UK’s
top DJ

by Gary Skentelbery

A 20-year-old student from Warrington is celebrating after winning a national DJ vocal competition. Amy Higgins collected her award for winning the BACARDI DJ Vocal competition at the Access to Music awards hosted by Radio One DJ Edith Bowman at BAFTA in London. Launched in April, the vocal competition was designed to give up-coming vocal students from Access to Music colleges the chance to have their original vocals produced into samples which will be used on the brand new version of the online music mixer BACARDI DJ. A delighted Amy said: ?I couldn?t believe it when I was told I?d won! It was fantastic to go to London and work in a proper recording studio with a top producer. It was such a great experience, I learnt so much and it?s really made me want to pursue a career in music?. Now in its fifth year, BACARDI DJ has become the original interactive online music mixer and DJ competition in the UK. Since its launch over 7,500 tracks have been uploaded onto the site. It boasts an online DJ contest & cutting-edge technology including the ability to download your favourite mixes as an MP3. As part of the overall prize, Amy got the chance to work with top music producer, Hal ?The Young Punx? Ritson, to record her vocals at The Vineyard recording studios in London, formerly Pete Waterman?s ?Hit Factory?. Hal?s recent credits include remixing The Scissor Sisters, Tom Jones and The Similou under his ?The Young Punx? name, singing lead vocals on the current Top 20 hit ?Tell me why?? by Supermode, and producing/performing on many chart singles including Eric Prydz?s ?Call on me?. Hal commented ?Amy is a natural performer and composer, and despite having very little previous studio experience delivered exactly what was required for the Bacardi DJ music mixer. I am sure we will all be hearing more from her in the future?.
Amy first enrolled at Warrington Collegiate on the Access to Music Performing Musician course three years ago were she joined a college band, The Defects, which had a punk influence. Since successfully passing her course this summer, Amy plans to obtain a music teaching degree as well as pursuing her singing career.

Man beaten up
over a cigarette

by David Skentelbery

A MAN was beaten up by a gang of youths in broad daylight as he walked to his girlfriend?s home at Padgate, Warrington.
The attack took place outside the doctor?s surgery in Station Road, near to the junction with Harpers Road.
During the attack, the man was punched, kicked, hit over the head with a milk bottle and then pelted with stones.
Police are appealing for witnesses of the attack which took place at about 11.30am on Thursday.
The man noticed a group of youths sitting on a wall outside the doctor?s surgery. One approached him and asked for a cigarette.
When he refused the man attacked him, punching him and kicking him. The victim ran off, but was followed by the youths and cornered in a garden.
There he was attacked again and hit over the head with a milk bottle. He tried to defend himself and eventually ran off again. But he was again pursued and stones were hurled at him.
Later the man went to Warrington Hospital where he was found to have a one inch cut on top of his head, two broken fingers, cuts around his mouth and bruising and swelling.

Wolves top of the league

WARRINGTON Wolves Rugby League Club has won the prestigious engage Partnership Award for 2006.
Based on all aspects of running a Super League club, from stadium branding to community work, the Wolves topped the table out of all 12 Super League clubs.
Tina Clare, sponsorship manager for engage Mutual Assurance said: ?Over the course of the 2006 season all of the Super League clubs have worked tirelessly in order to make the competition as a whole a huge success.
This award highlights the efforts of a club who have contributed massively to this success both in the game of Rugby League and in their local area. I would like to congratulate the Warrington Wolves club on receiving this award and I look forward to working with all 12 clubs again in engage Super League XII.?
Sean Mellor, community development manager at the Wolves commented: ?It is always nice to be recognised for the work we have done over the course of the year. I would like to thank everyone at the Warrington club for all the hard work they have done in 2006.?

A helping hand finds
work for the jobless

by John Hendon

UNEMPLOYED people from some of Warrington?s most disadvantaged areas have won jobs at a top store ? thanks to a special recruitment project.
Jobless people from Bewsey, Whitecross, Fairfield, Howley, Latchford, Orford, Poplars, Hulme and Fearnhead will start work at the new Debenhams store in Golden Square next March.
Incapacity Benefit claimants and lone parents on Income Support are among the new recruits.
They successfully applied for positions in sales, stock movement and food services after going through interviews and assessment and undergoing tailor-made training.
The project was run as part of the North West Development Agency?s ?Maximising Opportunity in Warrington? scheme.
Jobcentre Plus, the Children’s Information Service, Warrington Citizens Advice Bureau and Warrington Disability Partnership provided additional support.
Coun Ian Marks, leader of Warrington Borough Council said: “I would like to say well done and good luck to all of the successful candidates. The fact they have progressed to this stage is a real testament of their character, ability and willingness.
?This project fits strongly with the council’s ambition to improve opportunities for less-well off parts of town that have specifically targeted for this project.”
Further retail recruitment projects are planned for the New Year, to be ready for the Golden Square opening in March.

Hunt goes on
for knifeman

by staff reporter

POLICE at Warrington have issued an e-fit picture of a thug who held a youth at knife point while an accomplice robbed him.
The robbery occurred as the youth walked along a path in a wooded area at Fearnhead.
A knife was held at his throat by one man while the other went through his pockets, stealing cash and other property.
Police are searching for two youths, one aged about 19-20 and the other about 16.
The attack took place as the victim was walking along the wooded path, near Blackledge Close, intending to visit the Spar shop at Fearnhead. He was confronted by the two offenders who demanded cash.
The older of the offenders had no left eyebrow, according to police. He also had a “sunken face” with a number of missing teeth on the left side of his face.He was wearing a padded jacket, black tracksuit bottoms with three green stripes on them. He was about 5ft 9 inches tall.
The second offender was about 5ft 7 inches tall, of skinny build with mousey or blond coloured hair. He was wearing a black baseball cap, navy blue hooded jacket and blue tracksuit bottoms.
Police are appealing for witnesses who should contact DC Ian Hampson on 01244 613845.

Warning over bogus
fire prevention survey

Lesley Wilkinson

PEOPLE in Warrington are being warned about bogus callers pretending to be officials offering free fire prevention surveys.
Warrington Borough Council’s Trading Standards have been alerted to a company approaching residents in this way following a number of reports. The company is not connected to the council or Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Officers are asking people who have been “cold called” by any organisation offering this service and claiming to be connected with the council to contact Trading Standards on 01925 442678. Complaints can also be reported to the police.
The council and fire service work together to tackle the problem of cold callers, and the fire service say they

never call on people without first sending out leaflets to advise of their visits.
Coun Roy Smith, the borough council?s executive member for community services, said: “The majority of businesses that cold call are legitimate but it is important that residents remain on their guard especially as Christmas is approaching.
“If you are unsure about anyone who comes to your door, send them away and contact either our trading standards or the police and don’t forget to look after elderly or vulnerable family and friends.”
Peter Walsh, head of community safety for the fire and rescue service, said: “I want to reassure residents that we will always leaflet every house before we call using a leaflet agreed with trading standards’ officers explaining when we will call and giving advice on preventing bogus callers.
“Our work with Trading Standards is helping us to visit the homes of literally thousands of older people in Warrington and has undoubtedly saved lives by fitting smoke alarms and raising awareness. We will continue to do this in the way described and would ask everyone to remain vigilant to the potential of bogus callers.”
A man posing as an electricity board worker called at a house in Fearnhead, Warrington, yesterday (Friday). He was dark haired and was wearing a navy blue fleece. He asked to check the electric meter buit had no identity. Police warned householders to be on their guard.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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