Thursday 16th November 2006


Labour councillors
defect to Lib Dems

by David Skentelbery

TWO Labour councillors at Warrington have quit to join the Liberal Democrats – bringing the total number of defections since Labour lost control of the borough council in May to three.
Peter Edwards is chairman of Poulton-with-Fearnhead parish council and Mike Howard serves on the same parish council and is a former borough councillor. He is deputy chairman of the governors of Padgate High School.
In August, former high profile borough councillor Dave Eccles defected to the Lib Dems and in September the Lib Dems won a borough council by election at Poulton North.
A Lib Dem-Tory alliance has run the borough since May, with the two parties sharing executive board posts.
Ian Marks, Lib Dem leader of the council said: “These two, together with Dave Eccles, bring a wealth of experience to our party. Their defections show just how widespread is the dissatisfaction with the local Labour party and disillusionment with the Prime Minister and his government.”
Peter Edwards said: “I am really looking forward to working with my new colleagues to develop progressive policies to improve services in Warrington. The recent by-election showed that Labour is finished as a party of power in Warrington. Local people were staggered when they chose an out-of-area candidate to stand rather than a credible local candidate. On a wider level I want to campaign to improve funding for our school children who are right at the bottom of the Labour government’s national financial allocation system.”
Local Poulton-with-Fearnhead councillor Colin Oliver said: “I am delighted to welcome Mike and Peter to the Liberal Democrats and I’m looking forward to working with them in the future.”

Boat owners celebrate
a famous victory

by David Skentelbery

BOAT owners on the picturesque Bridgewater Canal are celebrating after winning a battle to block plans for a 180 per cent increase in mooring fees.
The Bridgewater Canal Trust has thrown out a move by canal owners Peel Holdings to impose the hefty increase over a four year period.
Instead, the Trust has approved a six per cent increase next year, in line with a suggestion by the Federation of Bridgewater Cruising Clubs.
Last week an Armada of canal cruisers and narrow boats blockaded the canal at Lymm in protest at the proposed steep increases.
More than 50 craft were involved in the demonstration – led by former Sooty and Sweep TV star Peter “Matthew” Corbett, a boating enthusiast for 25 years.
Retired boat owners and those on fixed incomes claimed many would be forced to give up their hobby if the price increase went through.
But now the canal trust has thrown them a lifeline.
Coun Ian Marks, leader of Warrington Borough Council, took part in the protest and also attended the canal trust meeting.
He said: “Each council along the line of the canal has a representative on the trust.
“I totally agreed with the boaters and the Federation of Bridgewater Cruising Clubs that the proposed increases were outrageous and grossly unfair.
“The Federation was asking for an increase of six per cent next year and this is what I put forward on their behalf. I am delighted that this met with the approval of the other councillors and was voted through.
“We also agreed that both sides should get together to talk about improvements in facilities and how these would be paid for in future years.
“Peel was asked to come forward with a costed plan which would form the basis for the talks. I sincerely hope that both sides can work together to build bridges and restore the trust which has broken down.
“A vibrant boating community is a valuable and attractive asset for the towns and villages which are fortunate to have the canal.”
Mike Webb, general manager of the Bridgewater Canal said: “There are 1000 pleasure craft licences issued on the Bridgewater Canal. The proposed increase in mooring fees affects only 400 craft and the boats affected pay much lower fees than other boat owners on the canal and on other local waterways.
“The Company has met with the Federation of Bridgewater Cruising Clubs over the past year to discuss the issues and discussions are still ongoing.
“We sympathise with the affected boat owners and have agreed to phase in the increase over the next four years. To put the proposed increase in fees into context, the increase for 2007 will mean that depending on the length of craft the increase will be from 50p for the smallest craft up to ?2 per week for a full sized vessel.
“The company currently spend a substantial sum each year maintaining the Bridgewater Canal and have recently invested ?1.5m in a new development that includes a marina and new facilities for boats using the canal at Stretford. In the last 10 years Peel has also invested over ?10m in the Castlefield area.
“It is important that funding of the canal is maintained – if we fail to do this it will result in deterioration of this valuable facility and eventual closure”

Woman cheated council
out of ?7,000 benefits

by court reporter

A WOMAN who falsely claimed ?7,395 in benefits prompted a warning that “cheats” will be caught.
Janet Taylor, 48, of Medway Close, Greenwood Crescent, Orford, was given a three-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay back the overpayment, by Warrington Magistrates Court.
The court was told she was claiming benefits as a single person when she was living with her partner.
Between September 2002 and April 2005, Taylor defrauded Warrington Borough Council of ?6,178 Housing Benefit and ?1,217 Council Tax Benefit. She was ordered to pay ?150 costs as part of the sentence.
Adrian Webster, the council’s benefits manager, said: “Benefit cheats are not just defrauding the government, but their own tax paying neighbours and communities. With the new methods of data matching we are using, the obvious message to benefit cheats is – ‘you will be caught’.”
People in Warrington can give information about alleged fraudsters free and in confidence on the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854440.

Free bus shuttle
links two hospitals

by Lesley Wilkinson

A NEW free, shuttle bus service has been launched linking Warrington Hospital with Halton General Hospital at Runcorn.
The service will operate between the two hospital seven days a week between 6.40am and 8.40pm.
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust will be running the shuttle, which will make 11 journeys every day.
The launch follows the public consultation in June under the banner “Better care, sustainable services.”
North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust has recently approved ?15 million worth of service improvements at the two hospitals. Halton will become a centre of excellence for planned surgery and Warrington will be developed as a centre of excellence for emergency medical care.
The shuttle bus has been set up under the guidance of a specially formed transport group comprising representatives of Halton and Warrington borough councils, patients, members of the public and staff.
Passengers are picked up and dropped off from well signposted points outside the main entrance of both hospitals.
Catherine Beardshaw, the Trust?s chief executive said: “The shuttle bus will ensure that staff, patients and visitors can travel easily between the hospitals. Every effort has been made to ensure that transport between the two hospitals is as accessible as possible for people with disabilities.
“Wherever possible, special arrangements will be made for disabled visitors who use specialised wheelchairs. Patients with mobility difficulties will continue to have their needs met by the patient transport service.”

Man obtained ?3,796
benefit by deception

by court reporter

A MAN who claimed benefits and did not declare he was receiving additional income was

given a two-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay back the overpayment.
John Cox, 62, of Longshaw Street, Dallam, pleaded guilty to benefit fraud totalling ?3,796.47 when he appeared before Warrington Magistrates Court.
The court was told that between March 2004 and January this year Cox defrauded the council of ?2,836.10 Housing Benefit and ?960.37 Council Tax Benefit. He was also ordered to pay ?100 costs.
Adrian Webster, the council’s benefits manager, said: “Deliberately withholding information that affects your claim is stealing. That’s why we are targeting benefit thieves.
“We have introduced new methods of data matching – and the obvious message to benefit cheats is you will be caught. This case is yet another clear demonstration of our determination to tackle benefit fraud.”

Triathlon coaching success
by Gary Skentelbery

WARRINGTON based Brian New has been presented with the British Triathlon Association North West Coach of the Year Award by Darren Campbell MBE, at the Reebok Stadium, Bolton.
The award, voted for by the BTA members, recognises Brian?s efforts and successes with the athletes that he has coached over the last 12 months.
Brian, from Great Sankey, runs triathlon classes at David Lloyd in Warrington and also coaches a number of top-level age group athletes on a consultancy basis.
This year, athletes he coaches have completed races of many different lengths, right up to Ironman distance.
His main successes have been Caroline Slaughter, winner of the female Veterans Race at the Salford World Cup Triathlon, and Dan Atherton, a 15 year old who came second in the Elite Youth Race at the London Triathlon with the fastest swim, bike and run ? a definite name to watch out for over the next few years.
As well as coaching, Brian still competes himself and he will be taking part in the 145 mile Grand Union Canal Race again in 2007.
Anybody who would like to know more about triathlon or coaching can go to, or ring Brian on 07974 967878.

Outdoor ice rink
to open in town

by Lesley Wilkinson

NEW York comes to Warrington next month when an outdoor ice rink, similar to the one in the Big Apple?s Central Park, is set up in Golden Square.
During the Christmas period shoppers can take a break from the stores and slip on some skates to glide around the rink in the Old Market Place.
A giant Christmas tree and festive lights will add seasonal sparkle to the centre. And carols will be heard throughout the mall every lunch-time for two weeks at the beginning of December as several schools take part in a “Song in the Square” event.
Festivities get underway with the opening of the Christmas grotto, Gulliver’s Christmas Kingdom, on Saturday November 25. Children will be able to meet Santa, have their picture taken and receive a festive gift.
It is open from Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm, Sunday 11am to 4pm, and late on Thursday nights to coincide with late-night shopping on November 30, December 7 and 14.
The ?6.15 million refurbishment of the existing centre is close to completion with the installation of a new roof, new flooring, improved lighting, signage, mall furniture and decoration throughout.
The ?120 million redevelopment is also well underway with several new stores signing up for the development, which opens in March next year.
The Orange mobile phone store opened in the existing centre at the start of November, and this will be joined by high street fashion retailer Jane Norman and handmade cosmetics retailer Lush, when the new centre opens its doors for the first time in March next year.
These announcements follow H&M, Next, Boots, Topshop, River Island, Office, Bank, Republic, La Senza, 3 Store, Fragrance Shop, Sports World, WH Smith, Beaverbrooks, The Perfume Shop and the flagship Debenhams store, currently undergoing its fit-out in advance of the big opening.
The development will extend the shopping centre by 365,000sq ft to provide approximately 60 new shops, 1,700 integrated car parking spaces on four levels and the new bus interchange.

Benefit claimant was
living with partner

by court reporter

A WOMAN who claimed benefits as a single person when she was living with a partner has been sentenced to a two-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay back the overpayment.
Tania Blunden, 24, of Marshall Ave, Dallam, pleaded guilty to benefit fraud totalling ?932.88 when she appeared before Warrington Magistrates’ Court.
The court heard that between August and November last year she defrauded Warrington Borough Council of ?780.64 Housing Benefit and ?152.24 Council Tax Benefit. She was ordered to pay ?100 costs as part of her sentence.
Adrian Webster, the council’s benefits manager, said: “There are no ifs, no buts when it comes to benefit fraud. Deliberately withholding information that affects your claim is stealing. That’s why we are targeting benefit thieves.
“Benefit thieves must realise that they cannot abuse the benefit system and steal from the rest of society. They are not just defrauding the government, but their own tax paying neighbours and communities in Warrington.”
People in Warrington can give information about alleged fraudsters free and in confidence on the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854440.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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