Friday 10th November 2006


Armada blockades
historic canal

by Gary Skentelbery

FORMER TV star Peter Corbett of Sooty and Sweep fame was joined by an Armada of boats to form a blockade of the world famous Bridgewater Canal at Lymm to protest at a proposed 197 per cent increase in licence and mooring fees.
The Federation of Bridgewater Cruising Clubs (FBCC) say the increases, imposed by canal-owners Peel Holdings, are unfair.
They decided to protest after being told their mooring fees would go up by as much as 197 per cent over the next four years – and they want Peel Holdings boss, multi millionaire John Whittaker, to explain the price hike.
Peter, who lives on the banks of the canal at Lymm where he moors his own narrow boat, was joined by an estimated 50 fellow boating enthusiats to block the canal at Lymm Bridge. He believes the price hike is unjust and unfair in relation to the wealth of Peel Holdings and Mr Whittaker.
He said: “These increases will make boating unaffordable for some. The blockade is to help raise awareness as I don’t believe Mr Whittaker is probably aware of what is going on.”
Fellow boater Geoff Hollies, an ex-merchant navy seaman, put his message across on the backs of his two pet collies “Peg” and “Meg.”
He said the proposed increase would put an extra ?200 a year on his mooring fees and could force him to sell his boat.
“My retirement plans were to cruise up and down the canals but this could throw a spanner in the works if the prices go up too much.”
Local councillor Ian Marks joined the protestors and is also opposing the price increases. He said the Bridgewater Canal provided a vital boost to the economy of Lymm.
Keith Moore, Chairman of the FBCC, said Peel Holdings had been “heavy handed” in their approach to putting up the mooring fees.
Blockades had also been staged at Worsley and Stretford to show the full strength of feeling.
He said he had met with Peel Holdings three or four times since January and a further meeting was planned for this Friday.
A spokesperson for Peel Holdings said: “We are in negotiation with the FBCC and revised fees have been put forward for discussion at the next meeting.
“The revised fees are in line with mooring charges on other waterways and any additional income raised from this increase will be reinvested in improving canal facilities.”

Omega project gets
the final green light

by David Skentelbery

COMMUNITIES Secretary Ruth Kelly has cleared the way for the ?1 billion Omega development at Warrington – only weeks after borough planners had decided they were minded to approve the project.
She has decided not to use her powers to “call-in” the scheme, which is expected to eventually provide 24,000 jobs on hundreds of acres of land straddling the M62 motorway, which once formed part of the giant US air force base at Burtonwood.
A government spokesman said: “The Secretary of State considers that the main matters relevant to her decision are her policies for delivering sustainable Development, industrial and commercial development and small Firms, planning for town centres and transport.
“She is of the view that the applicant appears to have taken those policies into account and has concluded that the application should be decided by Warrington Borough Council.”
Ian Marks, leader of the council said: “This is terrific news for Warrington and for the North West. The Omega development will create jobs for the whole area around Warrington.
“The Omega site is located at the heart of the region and is of huge strategic importance. The development will act as a catalyst for the continued economic prosperity of the region.
“It will really put Warrington on the map on a national and international scale.
“Understandably, there has been concern over the ability of the highway network to cope. However, the package of measures which come with the development will allow for the impact to be controlled.
“In particular, measures to improve access to the north western side of Warrington will be made as a consequence of the development. A contribution towards a new rail station at Chapelford is a key part of these improvements.
“We will aim to ensure that Omega will be used to provide the widest possible benefit to the borough as a whole.”
The developers are Omega Warrington Ltd, a partnership formed by Miller Developments and the Royal Bank of Scotland, together with national regeneration agency English Partnerships. They expect work to start in the spring and take place in phases over the next 25 years.
Omega will provide space for offices, production, technology and distribution space along with additional uses such as leisure/retail facilities, hotel and conference facilities.
It expected to directly create 8,000 jobs in the Warrington area over the next 10 years and upon completion of the scheme, could create in the region of 24,000 jobs. About 7,000 indirect jobs will also be created in construction and engineering during development.

Healthy eating gets
Scott on his bike

by John Hendon

A PRIZE draw aimed at healthy eating at Warrington’s Priestley College has benefited one student in particular.
During the last four weeks, any student who passed through the food court on the Loushers Lane campus and opted to purchase a sugar free drink instead of a normal one was given a raffle ticket to win a state of the art mountain bike.
The lucky winner was first year student Scott Brindle who is currently studying Physics, Geography, Maths and World Development.
Staff from caterers Taylor-Shaw and student president Danny Cheung were on hand to award the bike to a very surprised Scott.
The latest initiative to raise the awareness of healthy eating on campus is nothing unusual, however, with the college continuing to take a lead and advocate a greener lifestyle.
Other changes in the catering department have seen the introduction of a salad bar, the reduction of “chip” sales and a firm commitment to adhere to the “Every Child Matters” policy.
Catering manager Sue Flynn said: “While we wouldn’t advocate that drinking sugar free soda products is the best way to be healthy, it is certainly a better option than drinking the other high sugar and calorie rich products.
“We hope Scott enjoys his prize and sets an example to fellow students by using it on a regular basis.”

Conference tackles
anti-social behaviour

by Lesley Wilkinson

HOW to tackle anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and graffiti were just some of the topics discussed as a conference held in Warrington.
Organisations from across Cheshire joined members of the public at the event to find out how Golden Gates Housing (GGH) is tackling the Respect Agenda – a government initiative to encourage agencies to work together to tackle anti-social behaviour.
GGH staff explained their current initiatives including working with Cheshire Police to tackle anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. They also talked about working with the council’s children’s services to support vulnerable 16 and 17 year olds leaving the care system and working with street services to tackle fly tipping and graffiti.
Helen Kirkley, from the council’s community safety team gave an overview of how the council is addressing the Respect Agenda across its services.
The well-attended conference was held at the Gateway in Sankey Street.

Dangerous drugs
stolen in burglary

by staff reporter

POLICE have issued a warning after a quantity of potentially dangerous drugs were stolen in a burglary at Warrington.
A large number of 11 different types of prescribed drug were stolen in the raid on premises at Penketh.
Most of the medications were in tablet form ? and if taken incorrectly could prove harmful, police warned.
The drugs were Laomotrogine, Prednisolone, Remedine, Nitrazepan, Clobazam, Alphac

aldol, Folic Acid, Zotan, Spasnonal, Tranadog and Tranadol SR.
Anyone finding any of the drugs, or who has any information about the burglary on Friday, November 3 is asked to call PC Mark Loftus on 0845 4580000.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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