Monday 2nd October 2006


Man dies after
stabbing incident

by David Skentelbery

POLICE are investigating a second murder in Warrington.
A 50-year-old local man died in Warrington Hospital in the early hours of today after suffering stab wounds in a fight in Chiltern Close, Orford.
He was rushed to hospital immediately after the incident, at about 9.30pm last night, but died shortly after 3am despite the efforts of doctors and nurses.
No details of the incident have yet been released and police are seeking witnesses.
Anyone who can help is asked to call them on 0845 458 0000.
A police spokeswoman said: “The victim has yet to be formally identified as next of kin have not yet been informed. But we are aware of who he is.”

Councillors throw out
high rise flats plan

by David Skentelbery

ANGRY residents bearing protest placards have won a battle in a long-running campaign to block construction of high rise homes overlooking the Mersey at Warrington.
They crowded into a meeting of the borough’s development control committee to oppose proposals for 97 apartments in blocks up to nine storeys high at Howley.
The committee overturned an officers’ recommendation and voted unanimously to reject the scheme after Coun Jeff Richards had described the one-bedroomed homes as “rabbit hutches.”
Developers are queuing to develop the Howley waterfront – mostly with high rise apartments.
The result of a public inquiry into an earlier plan for two tower blocks on an adjoining site is currently awaited.
But residents claim tower blocks will have a devastating impact on the local landscape, which includes a conservation area and the historic St Elphin’s Parish Church, which has the third highest spire in England.
Coun Yvonne Fovargue, who represents the area, said: “Residents are rightly angry that fat cat developers want to come into Warrington and build ‘Benidorm type’ apartments before leaving with a fat wallet and saddling the town with an eyesore for generations to come.
“These towers will dwarf the magnificent church spire and intrude on the amenity of nearby residents.
“Howley has had its fair share of development over the recent past and they have placed an intolerable pressure on the local road network, which cannot take further large developments of this scale.” Coun Les Hoyle (pictured above)expressed concern at the number of single bedroomed flats proposed.
He said: “Warrington already has too many one bedroomed flats. If couples buy them and then have children they have to move on to something bigger immediately.”

Drive to get rid
of abandoned cars

by Mark Hemmings

WARRINGTON councillors are backing a campaign to clamp down on abandoned cars.
Fairfield and Howley Councillors Yvonne Fovargue and Paul Kenny aim to clear the streets of abandoned and untaxed vehicles.
Coun Fovargue said: “Abandoned vehicles are now a common feature on many estates. Thoughtless owners park the car and walk away leaving the local community with an eyesore.
“While cars can help make our lives easier, abandoned cars are a real nuisance in our neighbourhoods. The truth is abandoned vehicles pose a threat to public health and safety. Our children can be hurt while using them as a ‘playground’. They’re also unsightly and unpleasant and attract vandalism, graffiti and even arson.”
New powers given to local authorities by the government now make it easier for abandoned vehicles to be removed.

Murder inquiry: man
still in hospital

by staff reporter

A MAN arrested in connection with the murder of a 22-year-old woman at Warrington is still in hospital with hand injuries sustained before he was arrested.
Police are waiting to question the 31-year-old in connection with the murder of Nicola Sutton at Birchwood, Warrington earlier this week.
A second man, aged 29, arrested at the same time on suspicion of giving assistance to an offender, has been released on police bail pending further enquiries.
Ms Sutton was discovered stabbed at a house in Whittlewood Close and was found to be dead on arrival at hospital. It is believed she may have been stabbed with a samurai sword.
For full details of the incident, see our Review of the Week by clicking here

Fire crews battle
canal bridge blaze

by David Skentelbery

FIRE crews fought a two-hour battle to extinguish a blaze on the disused high level railway bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal at Latchford, Warrington.
The blaze, more than 100ft above the canal, is believed to have been started by children trespassing on the bridge.
Blazing debris fell into the canal during the operation and there was a risk of an explosion due to the presence of high pressure gas mains which are carried over the canal by the bridge.
A fire service spokesman said: “The bridge, while not in danger of collapse, is too unstable to allow us to go on it. It is sealed off at both ends – but kids get through these things. “There are holes they could fall through – it is extremely dangerous. That is why we fought the fire using hoses from the canal bank and using a hydraulic platform which allowed us to get a hose 14 metres over the canal. “We had to appliances there for more than two hours – it was a potentially serious incident.” No shipping was affected by the operation.

Inspector backs
local judgement

by John Hendon

A PLANNING inspector has backed the judgement of local councillors rather than that of the professionals over a controversial proposal for a two storey extension at a terraced house in Reddish Lane, Heatley, Lymm, near Warrington.
He has dismissed an appeal by the occupant on the grounds of overlooking and loss of light in nearby gardens and adverse impact on a neighbouring rear bedroom window.
Existing single storey extensions to houses detract from the quality of the terrace and the addition of a two storey element would worsen the situation, dominating the rear of the dwellings.
Planning officers had recommended the extension be approved but members of the borough’s development control committee refused permission after visiting the site.
The borough’s environment services director, Alan Stephenson, described the inspector’s decision as “somewhat severe.”
Although it was a pleasant row of terraced properties, previous extensions and alterations had resulted in the loss of any significant contribution to the character of the area, he said.
He added: “The inspector’s approach in this case would make extension to terraced properties in other localities very difficult.”

Omega decision
put off again

by David Skentelbery

A DECISION on the long-awaited Omega development at Warrington has been delayed again.
Members of the borough council?s development control committee called off a special meeting called to considered the multi-million proposals which was due to take place last night (Thursday).
They were responding to requests to carry out a site visit prior to determining the proposal so that they could view the site and judge the impact of the scheme on surrounding communities.
Of particular interest was the likely traffic generation attributed to Omega.
Council leader Ian Marks said: “There are concerns in certain quarters about the effects of the Omega development on existing communities. It is entirely understandable that members of the development control committee wished to be absolutely certain that they fully appreciated these concerns by reference to the situation on the ground.
“It is vital that development of the scale of Omega is carefully and professionally scrutinised and the decision to delay consideration for a committee cycle helps meet this objective.”
A new date will now be fixed for the hearing.
Highways experts and local councillors are known to be concerned about the imp

act of the huge development on the local road network.

Halle Orchestra
players visit town

by staff reporter

MEMBERS of Manchester?s internationally renowned Halle Orchestra will be visiting Warrington in November.
The orchestra members, and friends, will be performing at the annual concert of classical music staged at Culcheth Sports and Social Club in memory of local man Roy Harrison, who died of cancer four years ago.
Roy was a member of the Birchwood-based Rotary Club of Newton Jubilee and the concert is organised by fellow Rotarians.
There will be a variety of music on the programme, including tributes to Mozart in his 250th anniversary year.
The concert is on Monday, November 6 at 7.30pm. Tickets are ?10 and are available at the club, or by telephoning 01925 764370.

News in brief

Regimental Sunday
REGIMENTAL Sunday takes place in Warrington this Sunday, October 1 with the traditional parade from the Town Hall to St Elphin’s Parish Church. Church Street will be closed to through traffic between 10.30am and 1pm to allow the parade to pass through.

Hospital lottery
WINNING numbers in the weekly lottery run by the League of Friends of Warrington Hospital were 2, 6, 12 and 15. There was one winner for the ?488 jackpot.

Footpath closure
WARRINGTON Borough Council is to make an order to temporarily close part of a footpath in Marsh House Lane, Warrington from Monday, October 16. It is expected the closure will last for about four weeks.

Open day
AN open day is to be held at Culcheth Primary School, near Warrington on Tuesday, October 17 to enable prospective pupils and parents look around and chat with existing pupils, parents, teachers, governors and PTA members.

Coffee morning
A COFFEE morning linked to the “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” initiative will be held at Newchurch Parish Hall, Culcheth today (Friday) from 10am. Proceeds are in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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