Thursday 28th September 2006


Man arrested after
woman found murdered

by David Skentelbery

A MAN has been arrested in connection with the murder of a 22-year-old woman at Warrington.
Police have not named the man, but say he is 31 and was arrested in Venns Road, Orford, last night.
The man had suffered an injury to his hand, prior to being arrested, and as a result was taken to hospital where he is still detained under police guard.
The woman, found dead at a house in Whittlewood Close, Birchwood, in the early hours of yesterday (Tuesday) has now been named as Nicola Jane Sutton, 22.
Police have not given an address for her but say she did not live at the house in Whittlewood Close.
It is understood that emergency services were called after a disturbance at the Poacher public house, Birchwood.
Witnesses spoke of a dispute in the pub and the woman subsequently leaving and walking to the house in Whittlewood Close.
She was found at the house with stab wounds and paramedics rushed her to hospital, where she was found to be dead. A post mortem examination is being held by a Home Office pathologist to determine the cause of death.

Mayor is “tickled pink”
at store tea party…

by Lesley Wilkinson

A WARRINGTON store is supporting breast cancer charities by organising a “Tickled Pink Tea Party.”
The store is selling raffle tickets for prizes including a meal for four and the draw will take place on Saturday October 7 when the tea-time event will be held at Asda, Warrington.
Special pink lines, including pink cakes, muffins and cup cakes will be on sale in the store caf?.
Store manager Sue Baird said: “This is a fantastic event in aid of breast cancer. We have had some great fund raising events over the past few weeks with many others still to come, but what better excuse do we need to eat cake!
“The store has already raised ?1,400 with the help of its colleagues and customers through raffles, tombolas, leg waxing etc, that’s not including the sales of pin badges tee shirts and other merchandise.?

…while Sally will
be tickled at home!

A WOMAN who had an epic struggle against breast cancer is holding a charity night to raise funds to help other sufferers.
Sally Czerwinka-Graham, 40, of Birchall Avenue, Culcheth, Warrington, has invited family and friends to “Sal’s Tickled Pink Night” on October 6 to raise funds for breast cancer charities.
She was diagnosed just two years ago after finding a lump in her breast and then suffered a catalogue of disastrous events. But now, at 40, a birthday she thought she would never see, Sally and her daughter Faye, aged six, are helping to raise funds for vital research.
“I want to share my story in the hope that other sufferers may be inspired to feel the journey through breast cancer treatment, while often very lonely and frightening, can have a positive, optimistic outcome,” she said.
After several visits to her doctor, she was offered a biopsy and then told that she had breast cancer.
“It was like a thunderbolt had struck. I was numb. I had watched my mother die from cancer nine years earlier and that was all I knew – I was going to die too.
“Not only that but I was pregnant, so my unborn child would die too. Then thoughts turned to my beautiful daughter who was five at the time – how would she live without me? How could I leave her? Why me? Why hadn’t they told me earlier? A million questions were going round in my mind, questions that received no answer. I felt my life had stopped.? In the next few weeks Sally had a miscarriage, a mastectomy, and then began a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which lasted about seven months. At the same time her husband left her and started divorce proceedings.
For the sake of her daughter she decided to “fight back” and received extensive support from family, friends and neighbours. Her ex-husband’s Masonic Lodge helped with the 100-mile round trips for treatment.
Last November she was offered the new drug Herceptin, which is only offered by certain authorities, and she welcomed it as a “lifeline.” She is treated at Clatterbridge Hospital on the Wirral and her consultant says her prognosis is good.
Sally hopes local businesses and people will donate prizes and funds for her event and anyone interested in helping should contact her on 01925 765088.

Motor cyclist killed
in head-on collision

by David Skentelbery

A MOTOR cyclist killed in a road crash near Macclesfield at the weekend has been named as a Warrington man.
Jack Jeorge Aghanian, aged 19, of Fearnhead, a former pupil of Padgate High School, died when his machine was in collection with another motor cycle on the A537 Buxton New Road, Wildboarcluff, on Sunday.
An apprenticed mechanic, he was a motor cycle enthusiast and a member of an internet sports bike club.
A police spokesman said: ?He was extremely popular and well known in the motor cycling fraternity. He will be sorely missed by family and friends.?
The two motor cyclists were travelling in opposite directions. A 42-year-old man and his 11-year-old son, who was riding pillion, on the other machine, suffered minor injuries.
Police are appealing for witnesses who should call PS Ian Holly on 01244 613641.

Ben’s five
star show

by Gary Skentelbery

PRIESTLEY College student Ben Tyler has returned from the Czech Republic with an impressive five medal haul representing Great Britain in the European Dragon Boat racing championships.
The 17-year-old student is currently in his second year of his BTEC National Sports Diploma at Priestley and spent his summer time becoming a European Champion.
Alongside his twin brother Adam, the deadly duo represented Great Britain in the European Dragon Boat Racing Championships held in Prague.
Dragon Boat Racing is one of the fastest growing water sports sweeping the nation with the UK sending teams to World and European competitions for over ten years.
Ben, who lives in Thelwall collected two gold and three silver medals following his success in one of the most unique of sports.
Commenting on Ben?s medal haul, Sports Tutor, Richard Donnelly said, ?Ben has set a great example to fellow students on campus with his sensational performance at the European Championships.?
?To win five medals, two of which were gold takes a super human effort and everybody at Priestley is very proud of his achievements.?

Smoker beaten up
over cigarettes

by John Hendon

A MAN who refused to give cigarettes to a gang of youths at Warrington was attacked from behind and left with a black eye and bruising to his face.
The 21-year-old and his 29-year-old sister were walking along Brookland Street, smoking, when the group of six youths approached them and asked for cigarettes.
When they refused, the man was struck in the face from behind.
His sister ran home for help and returned with her husband and father, during which time her brother was again struck in the face, sustaining a black eye and bruising.
Police say the victim was unable to say which of the youths hit him. They are appealing for witnesses of the incident to come forward.
Anyone who can help should call PC Robin Swainbank on 0845 458 0000.

Open day aims to
explain democracy

by Lesley Wilkinson

THE election process and how people can become a councillor is the theme of an open day being held at Warrington Town Hall.
The event, open to people of all ages, is part of a series of initiatives aimed at getting younger people involved in democracy.
It will be held on October 17 from 6.30pm to 8pm and tickets are available from Julia Sykes, Warrington Borough Council Democratic Services on 01925 443212.
The council is hoping to make young people more aware of their power to shape their community as part of a national campaign “Take Par

t Take Power.”
Events planned from October 16 to 20 are particularly aimed at young people. They include: Democratic Speed Dating, A Day in the Life of Your Local Councillor and the Building of a Democracy Wall.
Coun Keith Bland, deputy leader of the council, said: “Young people are a central part of every local community and Warrington is no exception. However, they need to be inspired to get involved in positively shaping, and making a difference in that same community.
“Encouraging them to ‘Take Part Take Power’ and staging these events will hopefully make a difference and help change the way many of our young people are perceived.?

[ 28.09.2006, 16:07: Message edited by: DS ]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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