Wednesday 28th June 2006


Police seize booze and
weapons from youths

by David Skentelbery

POLICE officers have seized a massive haul of alcohol from underage youths at Penketh and Great Sankey, Warrington.
A hammer and a knife were also seized during the two-night operation.
Alcohol seized included 106 cans of beer, 39 litres of cider, 34 bottles of beer and a number of bottles of vodka and wine.
All the youths involved were under 18 and were targeted by police tackling issues such as youth nuisance, anti-social behaviour and underage drinking.
Community Action Team sergeant Chris Unsworth said: “The youths are quite clearly getting hold of alcohol from somewhere.
?We’re working very closely with local off licences to prevent sales of booze to underage youths, but people are still being persuaded by teenagers to buy it on their behalf. This is an offence and you could face a fine of up to ?1,000.
“But parents also need to play a role. With the World Cup underway the likelihood is that people will have more alcohol at home than usual. Make sure your child is not one of those we have to escort back to their parents because they’ve got drunk on booze they have obtained from home.”
Police are holding a Community Action Meeting on Monday (June 26) at the Sixth Form Common Room, Penketh High School at 7.30pm.
Residents are invited to attend to raise any policing issue they wish with officers.

“Baby” car’s second win

A ?BABY? sports prototype car owned by a Warrington company has scorched to a second victory in the Le Mans 24 hours endurance race – setting a record for a British team.
The MG Lola EX264 was put through its paces in the world’s most famous sports car event by Mike Newton, chief executive of CCTV manufacturer, AD Group, Brazilian Thomas Erdos and Andy Wallace, who won outright with Jaguar in 1988.
Owned by AD Group and run by RML, the prototype has now won the ?baby? sports class two years running.
Said AD Group director, Adam Wiseberg: “We are delighted with this result. To win once at Le Mans is unforgettable – but to secure the LMP2 class for a second time, 12 months on, is truly remarkable.
“Our total domination of the class is underlined by the gap of over one hour to the second-placed car”.
Mike added: “It’s a great feeling to be able to show that last year’s win was no fluke and to have dominated the class throughout the race. Only Audi, with their massive manufacturer’s budget, achieved the same domination of their class – and our winning margin was more than three times theirs”.
It was an emotional moment for Mike’s co-drivers and team as the MG Lola took the chequered flag with 280,000 fans looking on.

Teenage “brickie” beats
his college principal

by Terry Johnson

TEENAGE ?brickie? Daniel Cahill turned his hand to artistic cake decoration….and beat his college boss in a Warrington version of TV?s ?Generation Game?!
The rookie bricklayer won through to the hot seat, with a conveyor belt of goodies before him, which included a DVD player, meal for two, family ticket to a Warrington Wolves’ game, a haircut, shave and facial massage, cuddly toy, hard hat…and a housebrick!
The conveyor belt test came after 17-year-old Daniel had burst through to the final, having seen off competition from Warrington Collegiate principal, Paul Hafren, director of lifelong learning, Pat Kitto, and photo make-up student, Bernadette Evans.
Student Daniel forged into the lead as staff and students completed multi-tasks and challenges.
Said the Collegiate’s Mike Stoddart: “It was a lot of hard work, but everyone had fun getting to grips with the challenges”.
One of the rounds saw plumbing and make-up students travel to East Midlands Airport, where their challenges included moving passengers to safety from a mock aircraft, pulling ?survivors? out of the sea and rescuing a baby from a smoke-filled cabin.
The contest was filmed by University of Chester and Warrington Collegiate media students for the Big Idea project – Warrington’s community internet TV channel.- which goes on air on October 23.
Fifty film projects are being worked on, to be broadcast from a new facility in Orford.

Police get “breathing
space over merger

by Terry Johnson

CHESHIRE Police Authority says it is ?relieved? that its merger-threatened police force has been given more breathing space.
Home Secretary John Reid, has relaxed re-structuring proposals which could mean the Cheshire force – including the policing of Warrington – being annexed by big brother, Merseyside.
Dr Reid has now stated that no hard-driven force mergers will take effect before Parliament’s summer recess.
Peter Nurse, chairman of Cheshire Police Authority, said: “This is a welcome step. It enables the authority to give more time to consider these far-reaching proposals.
“The Authority remains concerned at the proposed Merseyside merger – particularly its financial aspects. We will now look to the best way forward, which may involve closer collaboration with the Merseyside and Manchester forces.”
Mr Nurse said he had met the Policing Minister and impressed upon him the ?continuing objections? to a merger with Merseyside.
Warrington Borough Council is steadfast in its opposition to the plans.

Challenging the stigma
of mental illness

by John Hendon

A FUN day in Warrington’s showpiece park will ?challenge the stigma? of mental illness.
People from across the town are invited to the free event at Walton Hall Gardens on July 6.
Stress-busting drumming sessions, relaxation techniques and trial complementary therapies are part of Positive Mental Well Being’s programme.
A fun art competition will also search out the most ‘challenging stigma’ slogan and picture.
The fun day runs from 10.00am-4.00pm and free places, including workshops, can be booked with Jackie Hodgkinson or Helen Taylor on 01925-843718; e-mail [email protected]

Objectors lose battle
to stop restaurant

by Terry Johnson

PROTESTERS who called a halt to ?the rush for restaurant businesses to make money? in the heart of Stockton Heath village have lost their battle against the opening of a new eatery.
Planning councillors have approved a proposal to convert the old fire station on London Road into a 160-seat, two bars restaurant.
Stockton Heath Parish Council and neighbours objected to the change of use for the turn-of-century fire station, latterly used as offices.
The London Road site is close to the village centre. Objectors to plans by Always Available Ltd. claimed it was ‘highly congested and dangerous’ for both pedestrians and motorists.
They stated: “We live in a village – not a city centre?.
Development control councillors at first agreed to put the plans on hold while they looked into the parking implications.
Now they have sanctioned the new restaurant, following officer advice that it would be difficult to justify planning refusal.

Car fire

FIRE crews were called to land off Thewlis Street, Warrington when a parked car was found ablaze.
Access to the site was barred by a gate but firefighters eventually managed to reach the vehicle and tackle the blaze. The car was, however, badly damaged. The cause is being investigated.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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