Wednesday 14th June 2006


Village police station has
biggest haul of knives

by Lesley Wilkinson

THE leafy southern suburbs of Warrington harbour more knives than any other part of the borough – if the number of “blades” handed in during the Cheshire Police knife amnesty is anything to go by.
So far, 63 knives had been handed in at Stockton Heath Police Station – more than in any other part of the borough.
The amnesty is aimed at tackling last year’s record number of knife-related incidents, 700, recorded by Cheshire police. Incidents ranged from murder and grievous bodily harm to threatening behaviour harassment and possession.
And during the town-wide amnesty so far, South Warrington has had the highest numbers of knives handed in, topping Warrington Central, East and West districts.
In Stockton Heath 26 weapons and knives were handed in during the first week of the campaign, May 24-30.
And a further 37 were handed in during the second week, bringing the total number to 63.
The campaign runs until June 30, when police will release figures on the total numbers.
During the first week of the campaign 70 knives and weapons were handed in to police in Warrington and Halton. Of the 50 handed in at Warrington, 31 were domestic knives, 12 were classed as “weapons” and one – handed in at Stockton Heath – was a 26-inch ornamental sword.
Chief Inspector Chris Clarke urges people to take knives to the amnesty bins and said they will not be questioned as the police’s aim is just to get the knives off the streets.
People are urged to take the knives to their local police station ensuring knives are securely wrapped in cardboard or a similar material.

Hat-trick winner James
has world at his feet

by Terry Johnson

TEENAGER James Sanders has the world at his feet after winning a hat-trick of national awards in competitions open only to the most able UK students.
The 18-year-old student at Priestley College, Warrington, has amazed tutors by taking top awards in separate contests.
His coup is described as ?sensational?.
James landed a gold award in the British Informatics Olympiad – then went on take silver prizes in specialist physics and chemistry competitions.
The former Birchwood High School pupil is now expected to notch a string of top grades this summer on completing his A-levels in chemistry, physics, further maths and computing.
He has his sights on a BSc degree course at Manchester University.
Jan Costello, Priestley’s science and maths manager, said: “James’ achievements are nothing short of sensational.
“It is hard enough for a student to gain one of these awards. To get three is a superb accomplishment.
“These results show James’ ability to become a success – whichever career path he now chooses”.

Motor cyclist killed
in vintage car crash

by David Skentelbery

A MOTOR cyclist has died after a road accident at Lymm, near Warrington.
The 30-year-old from the Partington area was riding a Yamaha motor cycle when he was in collision with a vintage Morris car in Mill Lane.
The 53-year-old car drover, from Warrington, suffered serious injuries.
Police are appealing for witnesses of the crash and, in particular, anyone who may have seen three motor cyclists riding together in the area shortly before the crash.
Anyone who can help is asked to call PS Mike Jones on 01244 613813.

Disability awareness team
secure Queen’s Award

WARRINGTON?S Disability Awareness Day ? Europe?s largest voluntary led disability awareness event ? has secured The Queen?s Award for Voluntary Services.
The award ? created only in 2002 to mark the Queen?s Golden Jubilee ? was won in competition with hundreds of other organisations across the country.
Organised by Warrington Disability Partnership, the annual event takes place this year on July 9 at Walton Park.
It attracts thousands of people ? disabled and able-bodied ? from all over the country.
All Queen’s Award winners are nominated by members of the public who have either benefited from their work, or seen the positive effect on their community.
The Award is only given to those groups where volunteers are judged to have regularly devoted their time to providing an outstanding level of help to other people.
Disability Awareness Day ? popularly known as DAD – promotes information about services, facilities, equipment and the ethos of independence for disabled people, their carers and families.
It was launched 15 years ago by a small group of disabled people who never imagined that the exhibition they were organising would become an annual event – nor that it would attract more than 25,000 visitors each year and lead to similar events across the UK, Europe and USA.
This year?s event will involve hundreds of volunteers, many individuals, others members of disability support groups, Lions Clubs, Air Training Cadets, staff from local NHS Trusts and local authority and staff and young offenders from the local Thorn Cross Young Offenders Institution.
They have become known as ?DAD?s Army.?
Event organiser Dave Thompson said: “This prestigious award is in recognition to the hundreds of people, past and present, who have volunteered their support in making a vision into a reality. Some of our volunteers arrive on the day, others are involved on a daily basis dealing with the administration and co-ordination, and a small team take a week’s annual leave to help set up the exhibition ground. We all have something in common; we do it because we know it helps to make a difference”.
For further information visit

John and Lauren named
as sports personalities

by staff reporter

THE curtain was brought down on al year of success for the sports curriculum at Warrington’s Priestley College with a glittering presentation.
Charles Longdon-Hughes, a former World & European Karate champion was guest of honour and as well as handing out the trophies also delivered a “karate-aerobics” class to more than 100 students.
On the day the two Sports Personality award winners for 2006 were named as John Wrigley and Lauren Forshaw, while other main awards were handed to Sarah Pownall (netball), Gareth Davis and Daniel Yates (male football), Claire Cassidy (remale football), Paul Reynolds (Rugby League) and Daryl Thomas (coaching).
The international achievements in Rugby League of Reynolds, Craig Howard and Dave Rolt (England Students), Danny O’Brien (Ireland students) and Mike Cooper (England Academy) were also recognised.
As a curriculum area, sport continues to go from strength to strength with the college now offering five different qualifications at advanced, intermediate and foundation levels, while students also have the opportunity to take part in coaching awards and the centres of excellence, all of which take place in a state of the art learning environment.
Among many highlights from the academic year was the regular visit to Club La Santa for warm weather training and fitness testing in December, which will be replicated again next February.
Nige Howells, curriculum manager for sport said: “We were thrilled with the end of year presentation and were delighted to welcome Charles Longdon-Hughes onto campus after our students had originally first met him in Lanzarote.
“I congratulate all the award winners on the day and look forward to yet another successful year starting in September.”

Mobile phone mast
opposed by parish

by David Skentelbery

PLANS for a 50ft high mobile phone mast at Great Sankey, Warrington is being opposed by local parish councillors.
Burtonwood and Westbrook Parish Council says the proposed mast off Westbrook Way is very close to a school and houses and is in an area where there is already a proliferatio

n of masts.
They believe it will also have a harmful impact on the street scene and could pose health risks.
But when the proposal comes before planning bosses at Warrington, officers will be recommending it be approved without any conditions.
They say the mast is a replacement for an existing installation so does not add to the total number of masts in the locality ? none of which are suitable for a ?mast sharing? scheme.
The officers also claim there will be no impact on houses or the street scene. The school is 300 metres away and will also not be affected.

Police crackdown on
World Cup “domestics”

by Terry Johnson

POLICE are to ?turn up the heat? on World Cup revellers guilty of assaulting their partners during binge-fuelled rows.
A crackdown on abusers across Warrington is promised as soccer fever grows.
Cheshire Police say their five-week campaign will support victims of domestic violence and lock-up persistent offenders.
A police spokeswoman said: “Research shows that when large-scale celebratory events take place, the alcohol often flows freely – and domestic violence incidents increase.
“Specially trained officers will be on hand at key times to deliver a quality service to victims when domestic-related incidents arise”.
Crucial matches, bringing high celebrations, are seen as flashpoints.
“The aim of the campaign is to reduce repeat victimisation, increase arrests for domestic assault and bring to justice more of the people responsible for this crime”, said the spokeswoman.
Domestic violence officer, PC Rachel Griffiths, said: “Over coming weeks there will be lots of parties and also boozy sessions down at the pub. We must be prepared to deal with all aspects of violent behaviour, including domestic abuse”.

Car fire

VANDALS are believed to have started a fire which destroyed a car parked in Forster Street, Orford, Warrington during the night. Police are investigating.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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