Monday 5th June 2006


Closure threat to
canal footpath

by David Skentelbery

AN attractive canal-side footpath used by thousands of Warrington people for more than half-a-century is threatened with closure as a result of opinion from Town Hall legal chiefs.
The borough council?s traffic committee is being urged to refuse an application for the footpath to add the path to the borough?s definitive footpath map.
Lawyers say there is insufficient evidence to prove the existence of the path for 20 years, despite six people providing evidence that they have used for varying periods as far back as 1948.
The footpath runs from London Road, Appleton, near the London Bridge pub, along the side of the Bridgewater Canal to Greenfields Avenue, Appleton.
A resident of Greenfields Avenue to claims to have used the path up to 50 times a year since 1968, has applied to have it added to the definitive map because of the action of a number of householders who have attempted to block the path and add it to their gardens.
Council solicitors have consulted residents with properties bordering the path, canal owners Peel Holdings, the London Bridge pub, the council?s own estates department and Appleton Parish Council.
Warrington Public Rights of Way Forum has also been informed of the issue.
A report to be considered by the committee next week says the evidence of the six residents shows that members of the public have used the path since 1949. The use of the path has been challenged twice, in the 1970s and last year, but users have not been prevented from walking the route.
But the route is not shown on any map ? and the lawyers say only one of the six residents claims to have regularly walked the full length of the path.
They say there is not enough evidence to provide justification for footpath status.
The six residents claim they have used the path for leisure, as a shortcut to the shops in Stockton Heath, walking to work, dog walking and going to church.

Bike ride raises ?1,000

THE annual bike ride organised by Lymm Royal British Legion in aid of the Poppy Day appeal raised more than ?1,000.
More than 40 cyclists took part ? including members of the Lymm 3rd Scout Group riding a 16-seater machine, local police and community support officers.
The ride ? an 18-mile trip from Lymm to Tatton Park and back ? was officially started by Neville Davies, president of Lymm Rotary Club.
British Legion president Raymond Massey said: ?We would like to thank everyone who took part and helped make the event a great success again.?

Community centre
plans to go on show

by John Hendon

RESIDENTS of Culcheth are to be given a preview of ambitious plans for a new community centre for the village.
An exhibition showing proposals for the ?600,000 centre in Shaw Street ? which will include a youth club and sporting facilities ? is to be staged at Culcheth Library.
Coun Keith Bland said: ?We want to give local people a chance to see what they will be getting.
?I believe this will be a centre of excellence for Culcheth. There is already a great deal of sporting activity taking place at Shaw Street. More than 100 youngsters are playing rugby there every weekend and training during the week.
?We also have football going on ? and we are catering for teams from Glazebury and Croft as well as Culcheth.
?Just across the road we have the floodlit all-weather pitch at the school, so this is a wonderful centre for sport in the village. The new centre will be the icing on the cake.?
Funding for the new centre will come from the sale of the existing youth club in Church Lane.
But additional funding will be required for new changing accommodation and bids are to be made for lottery money.
Coun Bland said: ?Culcheth has waited a long time for this development ? far too long. But this could be the making of the village.?

Estate agents’ office
wins approval

by John Hendon

PLANS for a be a new estate agent?s office in London Road, Stockton Heath, have been given the go-ahead by Warrington?s development control committee.
The plan involves the change of use of a ground floor premises.
Stockton Heath Parish Council had opposed the scheme on the grounds the property would have its entrance on East Avenue, primarily a residential road.
The parish council stated: ?More encroachment by commercial premises into the residential areas of Stockton Heath will further reduce residents? amenity, set new precedents and must not be allowed.
?Increased use of the property will intensify vehicular activity in the area and the proposals will exacerbate the problems as there will be no on site parking.?
But the development control committee ? after visiting the site ? decided the scheme could go ahead.
Officers argued that the proposals would have no detrimental impact on neighbours? amenity, with no external alterations to the building currently proposed.

Church abseil aims to
aid leukaemia research

by staff reporter

THE 80ft high tower of St Thomas’ Church, Stockton Heath, Warrington will be the setting for a charity abseil tomorrow (Saturday).
Abseilers aged from eight to 80 are being invited to take part in the event which is in aid of the leukaemia charity the Anthony Nolan Trust.
A team of train instructors will be present to ensure the abseil is as safe and enjoyable as possible.
Anyone who wants to take part should text their name and address to 07909 907217 or call 0151 733 1444.

News in brief

Pub blaze
FIREFIGHTERS were called to the Chapel House public house in Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington when part of the timber facia was set alight by painters burning off old paint. Damage was minimised by fire crews.

Hospital lottery
WINNING numbers in the weekly lottery run by the League of Friends of Warrington Hospital were 1, 8, 10 and 12. There was no winner and the jackpot was “rolled over” to next week when it will be about ?500. The ?23 consolation prize was won by “X-Ray”,

Van overturned
A VAN driver escaped unhurt when his vehicle overturned on the M6 near the Winwick Link Road, Warrington. The vehicle is understood to have struck the central reservation barrier, carried across the southbound carriageway and ended up on an embankment.

Police meeting
POLICE are holding a Community Action Meeting at Sacred Heart Primary School, Selby Street, Whitecross, Warrington on Tuesday, June 6 at 7pm.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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