Monday 24th April 2006


Woman, 56, fights off
attacker in own home

by John Hendon

A 56-year-old woman foiled an attacker in her Warrington home ? by smashing a glass over his head.
The offender fled after the incident which took place in the early hours of the morning.
Now police are seeking a taxi driver who had just dropped the woman off in Lord Nelson Street, Howley ? and may have seen the attacker.
The attack took place at about 1am on March 18 but police have only just released details.
The woman flagged down a grey Hackney cab outside the Bank Quay Social Club in Liverpool Road, Warrington.
About 10 minutes later she was dropped off in Lord Nelson Street and was walking up the path of her house when she was grabbed behind.
Something sharp was pressed against her neck and she was forced into the house and then pushed to the floor.
But she managed to grab a glass and smash it over the man?s head, after which he ran off.
Police say he was about 5ft 5 inches tall, with long brown hair swept back and was wearing a track suit.
A police spokesman said: ?We would particularly like to speak to the taxi driver, who may have seen the offender in the area. But anyone who can help with information should call PC Emily Cole on 01244 613933.

Multi-million ? shops
scheme tabled again

by David Skentelbery

A MULTI-million ? shops, leisure and housing scheme for Warrington town centre is to come before borough planners for a second time next week.
The project, involving the demolition of the existing Time Square, adjacent to Warrington Market, includes a multi-screen cinema, restaurant or caf?, bars, shops, offices and 312 residential units.
It would provide some 420 parking spaces.
The scheme, put forward by Big Apple (Warrington) Ltd, first came before the borough council?s development control committee in February ? at the same time as a ?100 million scheme to re-develop derelict land off Winwick Street with a similar complex of shops, offices, hotel and cinema, together with more than 600.
Planners approved the Winwick Street scheme but deferred the Time Square application because of concerns over the amount of affordable housing proposed.
But planning officers recommended it be approved ? and are still doing so.
They say there are no strategic policy objections to the proposals. The developers are prepared to contribute to the cost of affordable housing, recreational space, public transport, etc.
The scheme also includes improvements to the entrances to Warrington Market and an additional link bridge to the Market Multi-storey Car Park. There would also be space available for a health care facility within the site.
The borough council?s estates department has lodged objections, as have some of the existing occupiers of premises within Time Square.
But planning officers say the proposed development is consistent with policies contained in the town centre chapter of the Warrington Unitary Development Plan which seek to ensure the continued vitality and viability of the town centre.

Talent goes on show

BUDDING filmmakers, artists, dancers and singers gave the public a taste of their talents at a special open day at Warrington Collegiate.
The showcase performances designed to encourage more young people in the town to take up performing arts as potential careers, saw future Pete Watermans being given instructions on how to perform and record music CDs, stage theatre dance routines, make film and design stunning new fashions.
Margaret Ford from the college said: “The day was a huge success and gave the students an opportunity to perform in front of a public audience.”

Disabled youngsters
share experiences

by Mark Hemmings

“OI…LISTEN” was the cry from a group of disabled young people from Warrington who took time out to share their experiences at a national conference for NSPCC staff.
Five members of the group shared views and opinions of young people in Warrington.
A spokesman for the youth group said, “This is an exciting new self-advocacy project for young people in Warrington between the ages of 14 and 19-years-old. The project was set up to promote a positive way of helping disabled people speak up for themselves, when it comes to matters like, how to overcome discrimination in their day-to-day lives and maintaining personal safety, choice and control.”
Jane Haddock, from the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Young People’s Centre were the conference was held, said: “This event offered the young people a great opportunity to share their experiences with NSPCC staff on a range of issues from representation in the media to helping to promote safeguarding. It was a really valuable day for everyone involved.”

Keen youngsters learn
“Dances with Wolves”

by staff reporter

THERE was fun for all as Warrington staged its own ?Dances with Wolves.?
It was nothing to do with the Kevin Costner movie ? but all to do with dance workshops for children run by Warrington Wolves Rugby League Club at their Halliwell Jones stadium in Winwick Road.
The event proved extremely popular with 40 youngsters taking part.
There was plenty of music, plenty of fun and plenty of dancing.
Talented choreographer Stacey Goodall led two specially designed dance workshops for boys and girls.
Enthusiastic youngsters learned the funky steps of Lindy Hop, Street and African dance.
A number of local celebrities joined in, including Wolves’ players Ben Harrison, Michael Sullivan and Danny Lima.

Cash grants available
for community groups

by Mark Hemmings

COMMUNITY groups looking for cash are being encouraged to apply for funding from WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental).
The organisation ? which distributes money raised from landfill tax generated by Waste Recycling Group Ltd at Warrington?s Arpley landfill site, expects to have ?800,000 available locally.
This is almost double the ?409,730 it distributed last year.
The grants made under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme, look to improve community life by enhancing existing facilities as well as providing new facilities, including play areas and village halls.
WREN project manager Richard Smith said: “We are looking to increase the number of community led projects supported in Warrington during 2006. We can provide assistance in completing forms and will get funding decisions back to applicants within three months”.
In conjunction with Warrington Borough Council, WREN is looking to host a series of informal workshops to help prospective applicants. The workshops will deal with general funding principles as well as WREN funding priorities and how to complete the application form.
Dave Eatock and Kim Bate from Warrington Borough Council will also be on hand to help and advise applicants looking for match funding.
The first free workshop is scheduled for May 17, between 9.30am and 12.30pm at The Gateway. Any groups interested in attending should contact Dave Eatock on Mondays or Wednesdays on 01925 246902 or e-mail [email protected]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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