Wednesday 29th March 2006


Vicar and curate in All
Fool’s Day “toilet sit”

by David Skentelbery

A VICAR and her curate have staged a dress rehearsal for a ?sponsored toilet sit? they are planning to raise money for a new community hall to serve Appleton Thorn, near Warrington.
The Rev Elaine Chegwin Hall and the Rev Kath Williamson are to sit on two toilets outside St Cross Church, Appleton Thorn all day next Saturday ? April Fool?s Day.
But they have already tried the toilets out for comfort ? much to the amusement of passers by.
The Rev Williamson said: “Appleton Thorn currently has a shortage of community meeting places for local events. The village hall is great, but is booked to capacity and cannot provide for the demand in the area – as we have shown by means of a questionnaire.
“St Cross Church has a portion of unused land which the church is willing to make available, to provide a community meeting room with a small kitchen area and disabled toilets.
“We need to raise ?200,000 for this project and are in the process of applying to some of the environmental funding bodies and the lottery fund. However, we need to raise additional money to supplement what we hope to be granted from funding bodies.
“The fund-raising committee has been given two new toilets for the building, but as there is no building yet to put them in, the committee is using them to help raise awareness and funds.
“Elaine and I will be ensconced – decently robed – on the toilets outside the church from 10am till 10pm.
“We will, of course, have “seating cover” for the few times when we need to avail ourselves of correctly plumbed facilities!”
A number of local businesses have already agreed to sponsor the clerical pair and they are hoping other firms and individuals will also help.

Play area will be
community asset

by Terry Johnson

A major re-vamp of the children’s play area on Culcheth Village Green could be underway within months – provided that town hall purse-strings are not pulled too tight!
Parish councillors are strongly backing a ?35,000 up-date of the swings and play area and they are prepared to chip in around ?10,000 of ‘local money’.
That leaves a ?25,000 shortfall, which the parish hopes will be bridged by a borough environmental improvement grant.
The application is in and the expectation is that it will be sanctioned as a ‘community asset’.
Local councillor Sue Bland said: “The present children’s play facility is very dated. Our vision for an ultra-modern playground is overwhelmingly supported. We asked villagers their views and feedback has been very positive.
“We could increase the play area from use by just younger children to those up to 12 or 14 years”.
Villagers of nearby Glazebury would also like a children’s play area. But the idea has been snagged by a lack of suitable land.
“The only land that has been available is in private ownership”, said Coun Bland.
She added: “It would be a marvellous gesture if a plot of land were made available to us to develop for use by the entire community”.

Des res with
a difference

by Gary Skentelbery

IF you’re looking for a “des res” with a difference Ken Thompson may have your dream home – complete with its very own historic tunnel.
After years of legal wrangles 58-year-old Ken is now the proud owner of a tunnel beneath his Bridgewater View property at Lymm – created by celebrated canal engineer James Brindley.
Overlooking the Bridgewater Canal, the tunnel is in fact a “covered canal dock” which Brindley designed as part of his work, which dates from 1770.
Ken bought the original old cottage over the tunnel in 1987 and has redeveloped it with stunning views across the famous canal.
For years ownership of the tunnel was in doubt and all trace of the tunnel vanished from records held by the Manchester Ship Canal Company.
During his research Ken heard how older people in the village recalled it being used as a play area as well as a storage facility for icebreakers.
“I think it is fair to say I have been through a very lengthy legal process with Her Majesty’s Land Registry and with their co-operation the issue of ownership has now been cleared up,” said Ken who is now the proud owner of title deeds for the tunnel under his house.
Ken paid just ?17,500 for the dilapidated cottage which is now valued at over ?200,000 in a village described in a national survey last year, as one of the most desirable places to live in Britain.
When he bought the property Ken demolished the original cottage and transformed it into a three bedroomed property, with the lounge and kitchen upstairs, affording views of the canal.
“It has been a long time sorting out ownership of the tunnel but I am now delighted to be the owner of a little piece of history,” added Ken.

Six of the best
from 3,000 films!

by Terry Johnson

An avalanche of 3,000-plus films have been entered in next month’s Warrington Film Festival.
Competition has been strong, with short filmakers from around the world vying with local cinema enthusiasts.
The best offerings will be showcased at the Pyramid Arts Centre, Palmyra Square South, on April 7-8, with six films representing different themes.
A spokesman for Pyramid said: “This year’s programme features an exciting and challenging range of films and events. Audiences get the chance to meet filmmakers and game designers and gain advice about breaking into the industry and developing new skills”.
The second Film Festival celebrates and promotes film making, while encouraging the cinema audience back into the heart of Cheshire. It also supports new and exciting digital media within Cheshire and the UK.

Energy efficiency
company expands

by John Hendon

A Warrington company at the heart of the nation’s energy conservation campaign is extending its business at Gemini, alongside the M62.
Mark Insulations Group is the UK’s largest domestic installer, in the vanguard of the drive to cut energy costs.
The company serves highly subsidised energy schemes to householders throughout the North-West, offering wall and loft insulation to Government targets.
After six years in Warrington its newly enlarged depot, providing extra warehouse and office space, was opened by Warrington North MP, Helen Jones.
The Labour MP was given a tour of the site by Group Development Director, Chris Hume, and Depot Manager, Steve Smith.
The open day was attended by officials and specialists from neighbouring councils and housing agencies, including Warrington’s Golden Gates Housing and the Cheshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre.

Chance to improve
leadership skills

by Terry Johnson

WARRINGTON businesses are to get the chance to take part in a new college-based leadership development project.
The scheme is being piloted by Warrington Business School’s leadership centre and will run in April and May.
A four-day Collegiate course will examine how the mind works – and investigate the thought patterns and attributes which make some people more successful than others.
Those taking part will learn how to think ‘more effectively’ and realise their full potential by eliminating self-limiting beliefs.
They will also consider goal-setting and work/life balance issues.
A further personal/team effectiveness programme is aimed at senior, middle and aspiring leaders.
This four-day course sets out to improve personal performance through understanding leadership qualities.
Delegates will study modules which include emotional intelligence and leadership styles. They will also produce a Personal Development Plan.
Leadership co-ordinator, Sarah Gwilliam said: “This is a unique opportunity for local businesses to make full use of our pilot programmes and examine new ways of improving and developing leadership roles within their

“The Warrington Business School is an exciting new venture to meet the needs of the business community. Through our hugely-experienced training team, we offer a wide range of training services – both on-site and in the workplace”.
For more details call 01925-494703.

Celebrating 25 years
by Gary Skentelbery

A WEEKEND of activities culminating in a family fun day have been planned to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Appleton Village Hall.
The event takes place from Friday April 28 to Sunday April 30 involving various activities.
The family fun day on the Sunday starts at 3pm and will include a balloon race, magic show and films shot 25 years ago by members of Warrington Cine Club.
There will also be live music and belly dancing!
On the Friday evening there will be a quiz night with live music on the Saturday.
There will be at least six real ales on offer and food. No unaccompanied under 16’s after 9pm.
For more details call the Village Hall on 01925 261187.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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