Friday 20th January 2006


Rivals join forces
by Gary Skentelbery

TWO rival gymnastic coaches have joined forces to help strengthen Warrington’s position on the national map.
Sandi Gore, who runs the Warrington Gymnastics Centre based in Evans House and Kelly Simcock, who was Head Coach at Padgate Gymnastics Club, have teamed up after years of rivalry.
Both coaches have helped produce young gymnasts of national and international standard and are now working together to help improve facilities in the town. Sandi and Kely are both backing a lottery funded project to create a new gymnastics facility in Orford Park, as part of the Orford Project.
Kelly says she had little choice but to leave her base at Padgate Recreation Centre due to council policy changes.
Together with five coaches, including her sister Sioban, and 26 gymnasts she decided to team up with Sandi at Evans House.
Sandi said: “There has been a healthy rivalry between the two clubs for a number of years with both having achievements at national and international levels.
Kelly added: “This is an exciting time for gymnasts in Warrington and together we will help create a formidable team of young gymnasts across the North West.”
The club already boasts British and World medalists in tumbling.

Man’s tragic death
in road crash

by David Skentelbery

POLICE are investigating a road accident at Lymm, near Warrington in which a van driver died.
A Ford Transit van careered off Rushgreen Road, Lymm, near to its junction with Adey Road, and collided with a garden wall.
The driver, a 62-year-old local man, was taken to Warrington Hospital where he was found to be dead.
Police said the possibility he had suffered a heart attack at the wheel was being investigated. No other vehicle or person was involved in the incident.
Anyone who witnessed the collision is asked to telephone PC Andy Hunt on 01244 613813.

Kerry steps out
for hospice

by Gary Skentelbery

LOCAL hospice St Rocco?s is staging Warrington?s first ever night time sponsored walk for ladies- the Starlight Walk 2006.
Warrington pop star Kerry Katona helped launch the walk- a fully marshalled, designated route around Warrington planned for June 16th- aimed at raising much-needed funding for the hospice.
?Starlight Walk? sponsors Andrea and Tina, who run the local Pink Ladies Taxi firm, visited St Rocco?s to promote the walk. They brought along Warrington celebrity Kerry to meet staff and patients at the hospice.
The three women are going to lead the lady walkers on their 13 mile Starlight stroll through Warrington in aid of the hospice. The Pink Ladies vehicles are also providing back-up support throughout the night.
Kerry’s time at St Rocco?s was spent chatting to staff and looking around the facilities.
Hospice Matron Beth Eccles said… ? Kerry and the Pink Ladies were dynamite- they were so bubbly and cheerful- it gave everyone here a real boost. We are delighted they are supporting St Rocco?s Hospice and the Starlight Walk.
“Kerry promised to come back and pay the patients another visit- we?ll hold her to that!?
The walk starts and ends at Victoria Park and goes through Latchford, Padgate, Orford and Central Warrington. Entry fee is just ?6.00 and every walker will receive a commemorative t-shirt and medal, plus free refreshments courtesy of McDonald?s. Walkers are encouraged to seek sponsorship from family and friends to raise funds for St Rocco?s.
Everyone who raises sponsorship will be entered into a prize draw!
To enter The Starlight Walk and help raise funds for St Rocco?s Hospice, call the Appeals team on 01925 575780 for an entry form for email [email protected].

Exam success continues
by John Hendon

STUDENTS in Warrington schools are achieving outstanding results in GCSEs.
The DfES Achievement and Attainment Tables for pupils who completed their GCSE exams last summer have been released today.(Thursday)
The results show that 61.3 percent of the pupils in Warrington achieved a Level 2 qualification – five or more GCSE passes at the higher grades of C and above. This is 4.2 percentage points above the national average of 57.1 percent.
Even more impressive is the rate of improvement in Warrington. The Level 2 performance has increased from 51.9 percent in 2002 to 61.2 percent in 2005 – an increase of 9.3 percentage points. This is almost twice the national improvement over the same time of 4.7 percentage points.
The vast majority of pupils in Warrington – 93 percent – achieved at least a Level 1 qualification, which is five or more GCSE grades A* to G.
Colin Froggatt, Executive Board Member for the Children’s Services, said: “These tables confirm what we know about the excellent rate of improvement at GCSE in Warrington. This is a reflection of the hard work undertaken by our schools and their pupils.
“The introduction of vocational GCSEs and other qualifications mean that the vast majority of pupils now achieve a good foundation for further study or work. The very high proportion of students in Warrington obtaining a Level 1 qualification is as important to us as high proportion obtaining a Level 2 qualification. Last year, 75 percent of Warrington’s 16 year olds continued in full time education or work-related training.”
The DfES have also released the tables for Post-16 achievement. These show the advanced level results for Warrington’s sixths forms and colleges.
The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Achievement and Attainment Tables can be obtained from the DfES from their website

Hayley’s African Adventure
by Gary Skentelbery

FORMER Lymm High School student Hayley Shatliff-Smith, is preparing for an African adventure helping teach yougsters in a Kenyan school.
While teaching the children English, maths and science, the 21-year-old dance and drama student from Chester University is hoping to also pick up some African dancing tips.
“During my spare time I hope to run a few dance classes, teaching the children what I know while picking up some tips from them at the same time.”
Hayley has already raised ?1,000 towards the cost of her trip with the “Africa Venture” charity but needs a total of ?3,000.
She has a number of fund-raising events planned, including a Bands night at Brannigans in Chester involving local musicians.
She sets off for her adventure on May 12 and will teach for one term at the school. She will be teaching classes of up to 50 children and be living in basic accommodation within the grounds of the school.
Hayley added: “I am looking forward to a new and different challenge and am keen to become part of and learn from a different culture.
“I feel that a voluntary project abroad will allow me to experience that culture and help develop myself while helping those less fortunate.” Anyone who would like to sponsor Hayley can do so by emailing [email protected] or calling 07793 628422.

Minister visits
Peace Centre

by Gary Skentelbery

PEACE campaigner Colin Parry outlined a vision of launching the Children for Peace Campaign in schools nationally during a visit by Minister for Children, Young People and Families, Beverley Hughes MP.
Mrs Hughes visited the charity based at Warrington peace Centre created after the death of two young boys in an IRA attack on Warrington, to see the facilities on offer.
“Being a North West MP I was very keen to see the work taking place at the peace centre,” she said. “It is visually a very impressive building and it feels like a good place to come into.”
She added that it was important to invest “time and energy into young people.”
Colin outlined the Trust’s vision to launch their Children for Peace Campaign through schools on a national level

“Although it is still at the draft stage the aim would be to get children and young people to sign up to it.”
The Trust is seeking Government funding and support to help launch the project.
The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Trust is an educational peace charity which has supported thousands of young people through its educational programmes by teaching the causes, management and peaceful resolution of conflict.
The Trust delivers unique flexible courses which give young people the opportunity to understand the impact their behaviour and attitude can have on themselves and others.
The Minister takes an overview of all policies for children, young people and families and previously was Minister of State for Immigration, Citizenship and Counter – Terrorism. She has been Member of Parliament for Stretford and Urmston since 1997.

Don’t lose
your vote!

by Lesley Wilkinson

LETTERS are being sent to 84,500 households in Warrington asking people to confirm their details so that they do not lose the right to vote in future elections.
Warrington Borough Council is contacting residents to give them the opportunity to check that they are included in the Electoral Register.
People are being asked to return their completed form, only if there are any changes to be made, as soon as possible.
Only people included on the Electoral Register can vote during the life of the register. This will include the borough council elections on Thursday May 4. Young people who will be aged 18 by December 1, 2006, should also check that their name is included.
People who want to vote by post or by proxy, should call the Elections Office on 01925 442184, and the staff will send out an application form.
Those who are not included in the register of electors, may find that it affects their ability to obtain credit, as the law permits certain credit reference agencies to use the Electoral Register.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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