Thursday 20th October 2005


Councillors to fight
thatched cottage

care home plan
by David Skentelbery

PARISH councillors have lodged strong objections to controversial plans to use a ?600,000 thatched cottage at Appleton Thorn, near Warrington, as a residential care home for children with severe behavioural problems.
Members of Appleton Parish Council voted unanimously to send a protest to the borough council after angry villagers packed into their monthly meeting.
Chairman Ray Hancock said: “We cannot understand this application. Neither the building nor the location are suitable for this use.”
In particular, the council felt the use of a thatched cottage for youngsters with behavioural problems would be a fire hazard, he said.
Scottish-based private fostering company Carevision has secured a five-year lease on Badgers Brook Cottage, in Green Lane, Appleton Thorn.
They say three youngsters in the 12-16 age group would live at the cottage if planning permission was granted. They could stay there for up to five years, depending on their rehabilitation progress and would require round-the-clock supervision.
Five carers would be on site during the day and two at night.
Nearly 200 people have signed a protest petition and a deputation plans to attend Warrington’s development control committee when the matter is considered. The parish council is urging planners to visit the site before making a decision.
Residents claim two covenants exist laying down that the property should not be used for any purpose other than a private dwelling.
A spokesman told the meeting: “Surevisions’ other homes are in towns or cities where there is entertainment for the young people. Here there would only be the pub – it would be catastrophic.”
The meeting was told the company tried to create a “family unit” in their homes. But it was possible that some of the youngsters would be the subject of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders. They could have a negative self-image and display behaviour not acceptable to normal society.
However, they had never had disputes with neighbours at any of their other homes.
Coun Brian Axcell told the meeting the borough council would only be able to consider the application on planning grounds. But in view of the covenants, it could be that residents could mount a legal challenge even if the planning application was successful.

New attractions
for the park

by staff reporter

A WIDE range of play equipment and attractions for children and young people in Warrington is now on offer at the Playzone at Victoria Park.
The project, which is part of the Communities Vision Project for the re-development of Victoria Park, replaced the out-dated play area with an extensive fenced and safety-surfaced area with facilities for children of all ages and abilities.
The Playzone boasts some new play features to Warrington parks including a unique six -metre high ‘alien’ play module and a challenging zip-wire ride.
This ?108,000 project has been achieved with funding support from external grants, contributions from the park’s project partners and a Landfill Tax Grant of ?85,000 from Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd.
Victoria Park has seen considerable development during recent years with the construction of a floodlit skatepark and BMX cycle trail. The Victoria Park Steering Group is currently progressing with a range of other projects including improved park lighting, a new park caf? and activity centre, and the launch of the Community Garden Project.
Coun Jeff Richards, the borough council?s executive member for Sustainable Environment, said: “The Playzone is a major further development of the Communities Vision for Victoria Park and will provide a significant improvement in the range and quality of facilities available for the community and park users”.
A formal opening ceremony is being planned for the Spring.

“Shop around for a
mortgage” tenants advised

by Lesley Wilkinson

COUNCIL tenants at Warrington who are considering buying their home under the “Right to Buy Scheme” are being advised to shop around before buying mortgage services.
Trading Standards and Golden Gates Housing (GGH) have issued guidelines after reports of some tenants being approached by independent financial advisors or independent mortgage advisors.
These advisors can, for a fee, offer to deal with the purchase of the tenant’s home on their behalf, arrange mortgages, and deal with solicitors and surveys – all of which is legitimate.
But Trading Standards and GGH want buyers to be aware that they do not have to use an independent advisers, they can apply direct to lenders for a mortgage and they can choose their own solicitor to deal with legal requirements.
They also advise people to shop around for a mortgage, solicitor or financial adviser, get quotes and compare prices and use personal recommendations where available.
Coun Mike Hannon, Executive Board member for safer communities, said: “Cold calling is a common way for independent financial advisors or independent mortgage advisors to seek business but Trading Standards and GGH want to ensure that tenants are advised of all the options and costs before making any decisions as buying a home is a huge commitment especially financially.”
He said that Warrington Citizen’s Advice Bureau was also able to help.

Survey shows up
speeding drivers

by David Skentelbery

A SURVEY of traffic on narrow, winding Lumb Brook Road, Appleton near Warrington, has shown that some motorists drive at speeds of more than 70mph.
The road has a 40mph limit, but electronic counters placed on the road outside Stud Farm showed that out of 30,236 vehicles which used the road over a seven day period, 3,477 were travelling at 50mph or more.
A total of 79 were travelling at 65-70 mph and 64 were logged at more than 70mph.
Parish councillor Brian Smith, who has been highlighting the problems of speeding traffic on Lumb Brook Road for years, said: “The figures are actually worse than they appear because the survey included all vehicles, including pedal cycles and tractors.
Another speed counter placed at Wright’s Green showed that out of 23,388 vehicles, 750 were travelling at 50mph or more, nine at 65-70mph and 14 at 70mph or more.
Coun Smith said: “In fact, speeds would normally be higher. I stood and watched for a time and noticed that cars slowed down as they approached the counters.
“Many drivers clearly were aware of the counters in the road – they may have even thought they were some sort of speed camera.”
Coun Smith campaigned for a 40mph limit but admits it has done little to slow traffic down.
Appleton Parish Council is considering purchasing its own speed camera to try and reduce speeds on Lumb Brook Road and 10 volunteers have come forward prepared to man a Community Speed Watch team in the Wright’s Green area.
In recent years, a bus shelter and a telephone box have been demolished and numerous garden walls damaged by speeding cars.
Nearby residents have called for speed humps or other traffic control measures.

MP’s praise for
warm homes scheme

by Lesley Wilkinson

THE work of a scheme which ensures that people on low incomes have adequate heating, is being celebrated by Warrington North MP Helen Jones.
Warm Front, in Warrington North, combats fuel poverty by installing heating and insulation measures into the homes of vulnerable people.
It has been running for more than five years and so far has helped 2,427 households in the Warrington North constituency – a total spend of ? 1,622,754.
Ms Jones said: “The Warm Front scheme was set up to help people who may be struggling to heat their homes, often at serious risk to their health. It is a fantastic programme that people should take advantage of.
“Many people are unaware they could qualify and are therefore missing out.

To qualify households need to own their own home or rent from a private landlord as well as being in receipt of an income or disability related benefit,” she added.
The scheme can also offer benefits checks to people and so far those helped have received an average ?14 per week increase.
Scheme manager Eaga Partnership said 241 households have benefited from a brand new central heating system and a further 281 have received repairs to broken or condemned boilers since June 2000. An additional 1,875 households will make savings from having had their home insulated.
People can contact the Warm Front team on 0800 316 6014 to apply for a grant.

Library birthday

by staff reporter

A DAY of celebrations is planned on Saturday (October 22) to mark the 20th anniversary of Birchwood Library, Warrington – and any visitor who shares its birthday will win a prize.
The dual-use library serves both the community and Birchwood Community High School.
Everyone is invited to the celebration day which features activities for all the family between 9.30am and 12.30pm. There will be an 80s quiz, a photo display “Birchwood as it was,” a children’s treasure hunt and under fives story times.
There will also be birthday cake and drinks for visitors.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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