Tuesday 30th August 2005


Anger over plan
to demolish school

by David Skentelbery

AN angry councillor has hit out over controversial proposals to demolish Stockton Heath Primary School, near Warrington and replace it with a new school on an adjoining all-weather sports pitch.
Officially, no decision will be made until a meeting of Warrington Borough Council’s executive board on September 12.
But Stockton Heath parish councillor Patrick Mullee believes the decision has already been made and that the executive board will simply carry out a rubber stamping exercise.
He said: “I am afraid the decision will be to demolish the old school and build a new one – even though the vast majority of parents want to see the old school refurbished.
“We are seeing Stockton Heath’s heritage disappearing before our eyes.” Early this year, the borough council announced that ?3.9 million had been made available to modernise primary school facilities at Stockton Heath.
But 200 people attended a stormy public meeting – and made it clear they wanted the old school refurbished rather than a new school.
Planners had already prepared a scheme for a new school, but as a result of parents’ reaction, they were forced to come up with an alternative option – refurbishment.
A second public meeting was called to consider both options – but Coun Mullee claims it was called at an inconvenient time to minimise attendance. Only 85 people turned up – most of them school governors, staff and education officials.
Coun Mullee said: “The presentation was totally one-sided in favour of demolition and new build. Anyone asking questions about refurbishment were asked to wait – anyone supporting new build was allowed to waffle on.
“Eventually the chairman of governors recommended the new build option, which in my opinion he had no right to do.
“Our heritage is being taken away from us by people with no roots in Stockton Heath and with no interest in local feelings.
“They say that refurbishment would be more expensive but I can’t see that there would be much difference.
“I am certain local opinions are going to be ignored – but if I am proved wrong I will be the first to apologise.”
Residents supporting refurbishment of the old school say it is a “beautiful building” and part of the history of Stockton Heath.
They also fear that construction of a new school on the adjoining all-weather pitch will mean children have to be taught in “building site” conditions for 12 months.

Students celebrate
“Top 10” results

by staff reporter

TWO performing arts students from Warrington’s Priestley College are celebrating after coming in the top 10 candidates on a prestigious national course.
Joanne Bradley and Laura Thomson, both 18 and from Woolston, have been informed of their outstanding success following completion of their Advanced Vocational Performing Arts course.
The pair have been development their skills at the college and also members of local drama group CODYS.
Joanne, a former pupil at St Gregory’s RC High School, played various roles during her time at Priestley, including Roxie Hart in Chicago, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Mrs Johnstone in Blood Brothers.
Laura, a former pupil at Woolston High School made a similar mark on the college when she appeared as Wendy-Jo in Footloose, Maurine in Spinning Around and Mrs Johnstone in Blood Brothers.
They are now embarking on the next step of their education where they will both tackle a mixture of performing arts related subjects on a degree course at the Cumbria Institute of the Arts.
Laura said: “I’m obviously very happy. I enjoyed my time at Priestley very much and look forward to taking on the challenge at university after which I hope to pursue a career on stage.”
Joanne said: “The results have exceeded my expectations and I really am delighted with the news. I am now looking forward to the new set of challenges that lie ahead.”

Young people to get
a say on housing

by John Hendon

A CONFERENCE designed to give young people a say on housing issues is to be held at Warrington next month.
It has been organised by Golden Gates Housing – the council-owned company which manages 10,000 council homes in the borough.
Young people in the 13-19 age bracket are being invited to the event at Warrington Wolves’ Halliwell Jones Stadium on Thursday, September 22 at 4pm.
The aim of the conference is to give young people a voice on the housing and environment issues that affect them.
Graham Pearce, one of the organisers, said: “We want to get ideas and opinions from young people. This is their chance to say how they would tackle issues they encounter on their estates and explore ways of improving their communities”.
The free event includes refreshments, workshops, fun activities, prizes, opportunities to join other projects and groups, demonstrations and most importantly, a chance to be heard and valued.
Anyone who wants more information or to book a place should talk to GGH’s Tenant Participation Team on 01925 810237 or e-mail [email protected]

Mayor’s charity
cabaret night

by staff reporter

THE Mayor of Warrington, Coun Hans Mundry, has organised a cabaret night in support of his charity appeal.
The Decapo Dance Band will present the cabaret on Friday, September 23 at Sir Thomas Boteler School, Grammar School Road, from 7.30pm.
Tickets are ?12 and include a hot pot supper, and two complimentary glasses of wine and guests are advised to bring their own drinks.
The proceeds will go to the Mayor’s two chosen charities, the Butterfly Project (NCH) and Home-Start Warrington.
For more information contact the Civic Office on 01925 442144.

Young musicians
in concert

by Lesley Wilkinson

A RECITAL is being held at Walton Hall, Warrington, on Saturday October 8 from 7.30pm, organised by The Friends of Walton Hall music group.
It will feature two young musicians who were previous winners of their group at the Warrington Young Musicians of the Year competition. Adam Penketh, trombone, and Zara Jealous, flute, will play accompanied by the well-known pianist Russell Lomax.
Tickets are ?7 at the door and further details are available by ringing 01925 267 235.

News in brief

Mail destroyed
A SUBSTANTIAL quantity of mail was destroyed when vandals set fire to a post box in Vincent Close, Old Hall, Warrington during the night.

Hospital lottery
WINNING numbers in the weekly lottery run by the League of Friends of Warrington Hospital were 10, 11, 12 and 16. There was one winner for the ?122 jackpot and the ?25 consolation prize went to Val.

Disabled parking
WARRINGTON Borough Council has made an order the effect of which will be to introduce disabled persons’ parking places in Wellfield Street, Fox Street and Scott Street. It becomes effective from Monday (August 29) and anyone objecting must do so to the High Court within six weeks from August 16.

Speed limit
A NEW 50mph speed limit comes into force on September 1 on the A562 Widnes Road, Cuerdley, Warrington westwards from the existing 50mph limit to the border with Widnes. Objectors must apply to the High Court within six week of August 18.

Late films
THE UCI Cinema at Westbrook, Warrington, has applied for a licence to sell soft drinks, food and snacks until 3am to enable people attending occasional late night showings to buy refreshments.

Car crash
TWO people were taken to hospital after a head-on collision between two cars in Chapel Road, Penketh near Warrington during the night. Fire crews cleared wreckage from the road and gave first aid before an ambulance reached the scene.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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