Thursday 21st July 2005


Big turn-out expected
for waste plant hearing

by David Skentelbery

PLANNING chiefs at Warrington are to move into the town’s biggest concert venue to consider controversial proposals for a clinical waste processing plant just 160 yards from a housing estate.
A special meeting of the borough council’s development control committee will be held at the Parr Hall on July 26 – to ensure there will be enough room for the number of objectors expected.
There will be only one item on the agenda – an application by Mona Developments and Lendale Services for a healthcare waste treatment and recycling plant on land off Winwick Road.
Almost 1,000 nearby residents have signed protest petitions and there are objections from Warrington Collegiate, the CPRE, the North West Pensioners Association, the Communication Workers Union and the Bewsey Tenants and Residents Association.
In addition, ward councillors from Fairfield and Howley, Bewsey and Whitecross and Orford have lodged objections – as has Warrington North MP Helen Jones.
Most objections are on the grounds of potential health hazard and increased traffic.
Warrington Borough Council has already refused consent for a similar waste processing plant on the site, but the developers successfully appealed and were granted permission.
But the scheme did not go ahead because the council refused to sell part of the site that it owned. The new proposal has been scaled down to fit part of the site that is privately owned.
If built however, the plant would still handle 10,000 tonnes of waste a year, from hospitals, clinics, etc, all over the North West.

MP launches new
charity website

by Gary Skentelbery

WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones was on hand to help launch a new cancer charity website at the annual Disability Awareness Day event at Walton Gardens.
Meanwhile the John Holt Cancer Foundation charity has received a further boost, after Realtime Computing & Media announced they are formally supporting the charity by providing computer equipment and all the relevant technical skills.
In addition to this, Realtime Media (the design element of the business) have produced their website
To officially launch the website Helen attended the foundations exhibition stand at the annual Warrington Disability Awareness Day.
Realtime staff also attended the day, helping the charity to launch the website and assisting in raising much needed awareness and funds.
Realtime Media Manager, Steven Coulthard joined in with the fun by promoting the charity on the main arena stage and later performing the raffle draw.
“The John Holt Cancer Foundation” is a support group established to meet the needs of anyone who has been touched in any way by cancer. This is very much a genuine community focused organisation run by dedicated volunteers and headed by the founder Chris Holt. The organisation was set up by Chris after losing her devoted husband John to cancer a few years ago.
Realtime director Andrew Horrocks wanted to support the charity after meeting with Chris several months ago. “There are many local charities that we could support, but it is apparent that there is a personal and very genuine approach to this support group that immediately convinced me that Realtime should support them in any way possible.”
In addition to supporting the charity Realtime have decided to donate 10% of the pre tax profits associated with their new Realtime Media product called Community View Point.
They are currently installing attractive flat LCD and Plasma screens free of charge in medical centre waiting areas. Once installed they show community targeted messages typically promoting awareness of public sector initiative, local organisation information, charities and health related services and products.

New vicar drops in –
with a plea for cash

by Lesley Wilkinson

THE new vicar of St Thomas’s Church, Stockton Heath made his first visit to a meeting of the parish council.
Rev Michael Ridley introduced himself to members, told how he was enjoying meeting local people – and put in a plea for funding for his church.
Mr Ridley, (pictured) who had arrived at the church eight weeks previously, reminded the council that the church put netting at St Thomas’s to deter pigeons and help reduce the problems they caused in the village.
He said the work had been done at the request of the council and enquired if the council would consider making a grant towards the cost. Members agreed to consider his request at a future meeting.
Mr Ridley said the church was considering the future of the Parish Hall. A structural survey was being carried out and a decision would be made whether to rebuild the hall or renovate it.
“It was built in 1928 and is the biggest hall in the area. It could be used by the community on a regular basis,” he said.
Members agreed the hall was an asset to the community and the venue for many events.
Coun Patrick Mullee said: “It is a fantastic venue and is just what the village needs. We should do what we can to help.”

Floodlighting scheme
for Town Hall

by David Skentelbery

WARRINGTON Borough Council has granted itself planning permission for replacement floodlighting on its historic Town Hall building.
New lighting in the car park and courtyard is also covered by the consent, given by members of the development control committee.
Originally, the proposals attraction objections from The Georgian Group – and organisation concerned with the preservation of Georgian buildings – and expressions of concern from English Heritage.
But planning officers amended the scheme to try and meet the concerns of the two organisations.
The lights in front of the Town Hall were required for safety reasons, according to planners.
Some of the new lights proposed actually replace lights which were removed during World War 2 as part of the war effort.
A planning department spokesman said one of the criticisms of the George Group was that the proposals changed the context of the Town Hall, resulting in a more urban setting and detracted from the view of it being a villa set in landscaped grounds.
“In response, it is considered that the building ceased to be a village in the mid 19th century and has been used as a Town Hall, a public building, since that time.
“The presence of other features such as a toilet block, bowls pavilion, children’s play equipment, supports this view.”
The Town Hall – originally built as the stately home of industrialist Thomas Patten – is a Grade 1 listed building.

End of the
walking season

by staff reporter

THE “walking season” is coming to an end in Warrington – but today there are two events.
Stretton Walking Day starts with a procession from St Matthew’s Church at about 11.45am. The walk takes in the A49 Tarporley Road, London Road, Longwood Road and Pewterspear Green Road.
It’s also Howley Carnival whch will involve a procession take in Hall Street, Parr Street, Lord Nelson Street and Nora Street.
Tomorrow is Mayor’s Civic Sunday which involves a procession along Sankey Street to Market Gate, Buttermarket Street and Church Street.
In each case roads will be closed to traffic during the time of the procession but alternative routes will be available for through traffic.

Speedwatch for
the rat runs?

by Lesley Wilkinson

STREETS around Stockton Heath used by drivers as a short cut to avoid the traffic lights in Victoria Square, should be the focus of the Community Speedwatch Campaign it has been suggested.
Coun Patrick Mullee told Stockton Heath Parish Council that roads such as Cawdor Street and Arley Avenue were used as a “rat run” by drivers taking short cuts.
But Coun Graham Roughsedge,

who had been an instigator of Speedwatch in the Stockton Heath area, told members the streets were unsuitable for the campaign, as there was not a clear enough view for volunteers because of parked cars.

News in brief

Gas flares
TWO landfill gas flares are to be erected at the Arpley Landfill Site, Sankey Bridges, Warrington within the existing electricity generation compound. They will be used to burn off gas from within the tip.

Disabled access
PLANS for a disabled access at the Post Office in Padgate Lane, Warrington, have been approved by borough planning chiefs.

Extension refused
PLANS for a two storey extension at a house in Shadewood Crescent, Grappenhall, Warrington have been refused.

Fire cadets
A GRANT of ?1,000 has been pledged by Stockton Heath Parish Council to Cheshire Fire Service. The money will go towards an ?8,000 project to set up a new cadet unit at Stockton Heath Fire Station.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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