Wednesday 4th May 2005


Residents to have
a say over action
to combat vandals

by David Skentelbery

RESIDENTS of a Warrington community plagued by vandalism and disorder are to be given a chance to say how their own money should be spent to try and solve the problem.
The parish council at Great Sankey, has decided to allocate ?40,000 to help fund two Community Support Officers (CSOs) to assist police in the area – and are to consult with parishioners on how they can best be deployed.
They have set aside time at their next meeting, on May 11, for members of the public to have a say on how the CSOs are used.
In a statement, parish clerk Cheryl Wakefield said: “When it came to allocating money in the 2005-06 budget, Great Sankey Parish Council took on board feedback from the parishioners who are concerned about disorder and vandalism and voted unanimously to allocate money to help fund two Community Support Officers.
“Those officers have now been recruited and are undergoing training and the parish council wants to consult with parishioners about how the CSOs can best be deployed in Great Sankey.
“The council has put aside a slot on the agenda for the May meeting when they hope to take soundings from the public about this. All parishioners are invited to attend the May meeting to give their input to the issue of Community Support Officers.”
The meeting starts at 7.30pm on Wednesday, May 11 at the Tim Parry Community Centre in Cromdale Way, Great Sankey.

History of town’s
naval air station

by John Hendon

A GROUP of amateur researchers has spent two years producing a history of HMS Blackcap – the former Royal Naval Air Station at Stretton, near Warrington.
The 210-page book has been published by the Antrobus Heritage group in an attempt to fill a gap in local history.
It contains more than 200 black-and-white photographs and as much information as they have been able to find out about the now-vanished airfield, gathered from numerous sources world-wide through the internet and from military museums, old newspapers, archives, etc as well as by tapping the memories of ex-personnel and local residents.
Project co-ordinator Derek Enfield said: “We became aware that very little information was available about HMS Blackcar but that there was a demand from ex-service people who had served there, or people who had relatives who had served there.
“There is also quite a lot of interest locally. It has taken two years to gather the information and produce the book which is being sold below actual production costs.”
Two members of the Antrobus Heritage group attended the 60th anniversary celebration of RNAS Stretton organised by the Manchester branch of the Fleet Air Arm Association and mounted an exhibition of photographs.
A sample book was produced in December 2003 and estimates obtained for printing the book now available.
Mr Enfield said: “Since we started we have had contact with people from all over the country and from Australia and the United States.
An album of 130 unused photos is in the course of preparation.
Copies of the book “HMS Blackcap” are available from Antrobus Heritage, Birchmoss, New Road, Antrobus, CW9 6NY or by calling Derek Enfield on 01565 777248. It costs ?10, or ?13.50 by post.
Pictures show (top) an admiral’s inspection at HMS Blackcap and the cover of the new history.

Community centres can
bid for cash prizes

by staff reporter

VILLAGE halls and community centres in Warrington are among those able to enter a competition with prizes of up to ?250,000 for new centres, refurbishment or extension projects.
The second Waste Recycling Group Village Hall & Community Centre Challenge, launched at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, features a prize fund of ?1 million.
Three communities can benefit with prizes of up to ?250,000 and a further two communities will each receive up to ?125,000.
The Challenge is aimed at identifying urban and rural conurbations in need of community resources and meeting places.
Last year’s Challenge, funded from the Landfill Tax credits of Waste Recycling Group Ltd., distributed by WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd), attracted more than 140 entries with the villages of Branston Booths in Lincolnshire and Outwell in Norfolk emerging as the winners of ?250,000 each towards a new village hall.
This year’s Challenge was officially launched by Gwyneth Dunwoody MP who commented: “The success of the 2004 Challenge indicates the level of need there is within many communities across the UK for meeting places and social areas.
“From pensioners’ luncheon clubs to sports clubs, halls and centres provide the base for many activities that draw people together and allow them to work for the benefit of the wider community beyond the individual.
“Village halls and community centres perform a wide range of vital functions and help to deliver community cohesion and unity. I’m delighted, once again, to be playing a part in launching the 2005 Village Hall and Community Centre Challenge and look forward to seeing it go from strength to strength.”

“Historic bridge is
road safety hazard”

by David Skentelbery

PLANNING chiefs have thrown out proposals for a new foot bridge alongside a historic 235-year-old canal bridge in Walton Gardens, Warrington – despite being warned it is needed for road safety reasons.
Members of the borough’s development control committee say planning officers should find an alternative solution to avoid the loss of three 150-year-old trees.
The scheme, put forward by the council itself, involved building the new bridge over the Bridgewater Canal to separate traffic and pedestrians currently sharing the old bridge.
A risk assessment has revealed conflict between pedestrians and vehicles – with a number of “near misses” reported.
The scheme would also require dismantling a small section of walling which forms part of the Grade 2 Listed bridge which dates from 1770.
Walton Parish Council opposed the scheme because of the loss of mature cedar and yew trees. They say a better solution would be to build the new bridge further away from the old one and the trees, enabling traffic and pedestrians to be segregated over the full length of the access road into Walton Gardens.
A Stockton Heath resident also objected, pointing out that the old bridge is a local landmark, featuring in paintings, cards and photographs which promote the borough. The new bridge would cut across the view and its modern, lightweight structure would be out of character with the area.
He questioned the need for the new bridge as the occasional vehicle posed no safety concerns for pedestrians.

Parish council opposes
mobile ‘phone mast

by staff reporter

APPLETON Parish Council is to oppose new plans for a 40ft high mobile ‘phone mast at historic London Bridge, Appleton.
Telecommunications firm O2 has submitted an application for the mast, with three shrouded antennae and equipment cabinets on land at the junction of London Road and Birchdale Road.
It is the second application the firm has made for the site but the first was thrown out by Warrington planning chiefs. An appeal is pending.
The new plan differs very little from the original.
Stockton Heath Parish Council has also lodged an objection to the scheme.

News in brief

Hospital lottery
WINNING numbers in the weekly lottery run by the League of Friends of Warrington Hospital were 5, 9, 11 and 13 – but there was no winner for the ?294 jackpot. The ?25 consolation prize went to J Carroll. The jackpot will be “rolled over” to next week’s draw.

Skatepark plan
A PUBLIC meeting is being held at Lymm Village Hall tonight (FRiday) to discuss proposals for a skatepark in Ridgeway Grundy Park, Statham. The meeting, which includes an exhibition, starts at 5pm and runs

until 7pm.

VE Day
A VE Day celebration event, including entertainment, hotpot supper, etc., is being held at Grappenhall Community Centre, Bellhouse Lane, Grappenhall on May 6 in aid of Warrington Age Concern.

A REUNION of former pupils and teachers from St Benedict’s Primary School, Orford Lane, Warrington, is to be held at St Benedict’s Social Club on May 27. Details from Tony Sargeant on 07788 476841.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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