Friday 22nd April 2005


Work starts on
?2.9m heart centre

by John Hendon

WORK has started on a new ?2.9m specialist centre at Warrington Hospital which will enable heart patients to receive faster diagnosis and treatment.
The Coronary Angiography Suite at the Lovely Lane hospital is due to open in February next year.
It consists of a Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory and a 10-bed day ward and it will treat more than 1,500 patients a year from North Cheshire, St Helens and Knowsley.
The centre will provide diagnostic coronary angiographies (DCA) for patients who currently have to travel to centres in either Liverpool or Manchester for the procedure.
Under the DCA process, dye is flushed through the heart and monitored via x-rays by qualified staff to identify any blockages of arteries, assess heart function and measure blood pressure.
This will allow cardiologists to confirm if the patient has coronary artery disease and decide on the best course of treatment, with the angiography procedure usually being completed in a day.
Consultant cardiologist Surinder Virk said the centre would be a major advance in treating heart conditions.
He said: “What it means is that for the first time, North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust will have the capacity to provide both invasive and non-invasive cardiac investigations for our patients.
“Our patients will no longer have to travel to regional centres, which will lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment for them. It is a massive boost given that heart disease is such a major health issue in this region.”
Consultant cardiologist Ted Rose added: “Access to facilities such as this has historically been lacking in the North West. Having this new facility on the doorstep will be a real asset for our patients and the Trust.”
The new suite will also provide training opportunities for staff, as well as augmenting the work of the Trust’s dedicated Coronary Care Unit.
Trust chief executive Ian Dalton said: “This vital new development will deliver a huge improvement in our services for our heart patients and is further evidence of how Warrington and Halton hospitals are offering ever more complex care locally.”
In Warrington, 3.9 per cent of the population have coronary heart disease.

Judo club opens new
?250,000 clubhouse

by David Skentelbery

A WARRINGTON judo club threatened with closure only two years ago has officially opened a new ?250,000 purpose-built clubhouse.
Lord Hoyle – the former Warrington MP Doug Hoyle – performed the opening ceremony at Warrington Samurai Judo Club’s new headquarters in Wellfield Street, Whitecross.
It was the second time he had opened new premises for the club. The last time, less than six years ago, the club was given notice to quit just a month later.
The opening marks a new chapter in the life of the 15-year-old club which helped produce such stars as Olympic bronze medalist Neil Eckersley and Commonwealth Games double gold medalist Carl Finney.
But it has had to overcome a series of obstacles to survive.
Nearly six years ago it moved into a new headquarters on land adjoining the Manchester Ship Canal at Latchford. But a month later, landowners Peel Holdings revealed plans for housing on the site and refused to renew a 99-year lease.
Members were devastated and for a time it seemed likely the club would close.
Even when Peel Holdings offered a ?250,000 loan to finance a new clubhouse in Wellfield Street, nearby residents objected. They believed the club would cause noise and traffic problems.
But eventually planning permission was granted and building work started.
The new clubhouse offers some of the best facilities for judo in the North of England, with two permanent contest areas on a sprung floor.
Club secretary Glenis Bamber said: ” We are delighted with our new facility and hope that new members, previously experienced judokas, and visiting judo players will come along and enjoy it with us.
“Judo is an ideal sport for everyone of any age, both boys and girls, men and women, of varying sizes and abilities, and we hope that this new facility will encourage a few more people to come along and a give it a try.”
The campaign to save the club involved Lord Hoyle, former Minister for Sport Kate Hoey and club coach John Lawrinson, a former British Champion and Olympic squad member who has more than 40 years’ experience in the sport.
Anyone interested in joining the club should contact Glenis Bamber on 0151 259 3020.

New play area opened
thanks to donations

by Gary Skentelbery

A NEW ?30,000 childrens playground has opened in Warrington thanks to donations from landfill tax and a housing group.
The new facility, campaigned for by local councillor Mick Curran the new facility will cater for children aged up to seven who attend the Cinnamon Brow Farm Club.
Landfill tax organisation WREN provided over ?23,000 towards the project with a further grant of ?5,000 from the Muir Group Housing Association.
The work included excavating the play ground and ensuring it met stringent health and safety grounds.
The 18 month project was co-ordinated by the the Mersey Valley Goundwork Trust. Members of the Community Punishment Team from the Probation service also helped out with painint of the play area.
Meanwhile Mick has also been successful in helping to secure a ?6,000 grant from the Cheshire Community Council Network Fund to send a group of local under privillidged children on a sailing holiday in August.

Nominations close today
for General Election

by John Hendon

NOMINATIONS close for the May 5 General Election today (Tuesday) and all three main parties have confirmed they will be fielding candidates in both the Warrington North and Warrington South constituencies.
Warrington South is considered a seat – indeed Tory leader Michael Howard admitted when he was in Warrington some months ago that it was a seat the Conservatives had to win if they were to form the next Government.
Nationally, polls are indicating Labour will win a third term in office but in Warrington South the situation is much more tense.
Many people are predicting that defending Labour candidate Helen Southworth could lose her seat to Conservative hopeful Fiona Bruce.
The Liberal Democrats are also hopeful of grabbing the seat which has been held by Labour for 13 years, with Ian Marks, leader of the opposition group on the borough council, carrying the party’s hopes.
In Warrington North, Labour Helen Jones will be defending her massive majority against challenges from the Conservative’s Andrew Ferryman and the Liberal Democrat’s Peter Walker.
A number of minority parties are expected to field candidates.
Nominations close at 4pm and the full list of candidates will be published shortly afterwards.

Petrol station shop
wins planning appeal

by David Skentelbery

A BID by local councillors to restrict the operations of the Tesco Express shop at Warrington’s Orford Green Service Station has failed.
A Government-appointed inspector has ruled that staff at the store can start work 45 minutes before opening time and carry on for half-an-hour after closing time.
The firm originally won permission for the expanded use of the service station on appeal, despite opposition from local residents and ward councillors. But opening times were restricted to 7am to 10pm.
Complaints were received that staff had been preparing and closing down the premises outside these hours and that early morning deliveries were being received.
Members of the borough’s development control committee refused to vary the times of use, against the advice of their professional officers. But the company appealed – and the inspector ruled that staff could work outside the opening hours.
But he agreed that there should be no deliveries outside opening hours.
A plan

ning department spokesman said: “The conditions are enforceable, although there will be considerable reliance on neighbours identifying and providing evidence of any breach. Officers would provide assistance to ensure any such incident is properly evidenced and recorded.”

Garden party success
by Gary Skentelbery

A SPRING Garden Fair helped raise ?560 for the Mayor of Warrington’s charity appeal. The event was organised in the back garden of the home of Ann and Keith Braide at Longbarn, Warrington. Despite the threat of April showers the event was a sell out success. It is one of many charity events Ann gets involved in on a regular basis and proved to be her most successful garden party to date. The Mayor is raising money for Warrington Disability Partnership and Warrington Hospital League of Friends.

Witnesses sought
after men assaulted

by staff reporter

POLICE at Warrington are appealing for witnesses of two assaults which occurred in the town centre nearly three weeks ago.
They believe a number of people must have seen the attacks which took place in McCauley’s pub and outside in Bridge Street.
Two Warrington men, aged 24 and 25, were in the pub when they were attack for no apparent reason.
Both suffered serious face injuries which required hospital treatment.
But while waiting for an ambulance in Bridge Street, the pair were again attacked and the 25-year-old suffered further injuries, including a fractured jaw.
No descriptions are available of the offenders involved inside the pub. But the attacker in the second incident was in his early 20s, about 6ft one inch tall, of slim build with dark brown hair brushed forward in a fringe.
A police spokesman said: “These attacks must have witnessed and we would like to hear from anyone who saw them.”
Anyone who can help should call DC Claire Barber on 01244 613837.

Shop raided a
second time

by staff reporter

A CORNER shop at Lymm, near Warrington, was raided for the second time in three weeks during the night.
The offenders smashed through the glass door to gain entry to the shop in Higher Lane and escaped with a large quantity of cigarettes.
It was the latest in a series of shop burglaries in Lymm. Two other convenience stores and a newsagents have been raided and there was also a break in at a chemist’s shop.
In every case other than the chemists, the raiders stole cigarettes.
They were seen making off in a mini car.
Police are investigating.

Motorway crash

THERE was traffic chaos on the M6 northbound carriageway, near Warrington early today after a collision involving at least three articulated lorries.
Fire crews and other emergency services rushed to the scene and police advised motorists to try and avoid the area. Details of any casualties are not yet known.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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