Free workshops for new businesses


BUSINESS regeneration group Warrington & Co have organised a series of free workshops offering advice and guidance for new businesses.
The scheme – Warrington Lift Off – is being run in partnership with industry professional Harold Sharples.
There will be two taster sessions at Warrington Town Hall on Wednesday, September 25 at 10am and 6pm and budding entrepreneurs are being
encouraged to attend.
The workshops then continue throughout October and November,
Steve Park, managing director of Warrington & Co, has played a key role in getting the project underway.
He said: “This is great news for our local business economy and without a doubt new start-up businesses are very much the life blood of a
flourishing business community – and that’s as true here in Warrington as anywhere.
“It can be challenging for people to be confident that they can get their new business going – and by attending one of these special events they can find out all about a special 10 week programme, which will offer all the vital advice and guidance they need to ensure they have a successful business for the future.”
The Warrington Lift Off programme consists of eight one day workshops each Thursday from October 10 at the International Business Centre, Westbrook.
Mr Park added: “We are delighted to be piloting this very special initiative here in our borough. We very much want to see more and more new start-up businesses and, of course, we want these start-ups to succeed and grow for their entrepreneurial owners.”
The workshops will be fronted by former European Businessman of the
Year winner, Harold Sharples, who lives in High Legh from where he operates the unique New Business Hatchery charity formed to help try to counteract the failure of too many new businesses.
He said: “New businesses will succeed if they are planned to operate in the right way. The Warrington ‘Lift Off’ initiative that I shall run here in this borough is absolutely wonderful news for all those thinking of starting a new business.
“Come and join these workshops and get lift off for your new business. I am so looking forward to boosting enterprise here in Warrington.
“The whole country needs successful and sustainable new businesses – my programme can help ensure that happens – and how excellent it is that we’ll show just how it can done here in Warrington first. I am looking forward to helping new business ‘pioneers’ have the perfect start for the new businesses that they deserve.”
Those attending the taster events will be able to meet Harold Sharples for a special consultation discussion afterwards and can enrol onto the workshop programme after the taster events.
For further information and any advice or questions on the Lift-Off initiative, contact
Angela Hankey on [email protected] or call 01925 442371 to book.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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