Gridlock warning over canal


MORE than 4,000 people at Warrington have signed a petition calling on Peel Ports to come forward with measures to stop the town becoming gridlocked every time one of the Manchester Ship Canal swing bridges is closed to road traffic.
The petition was organised by local Liberal Democrats amid growing concerns that Peel’s proposal to increase shipping on the canal will bring traffic chaos to Warrington.
Borough councillor Brian Axcell (right) and Lib Dem campaigner Ann Raymond are leading the campaign to get Peel to look at the likely effect of closing the swing bridges five times or more a day instead of once or twice as at present.
They say the company should take account of Warrington’s unique position on the canal, with three swing bridges within the space of little more than a mile.
Ann said: “We have collected 4,000 names on our petition asking Peel Ports to come forward with measures to stop the town being regularly gridlocked.
“We have contacted Peel Ports to request a meeting. Although they have responded, they have not yet agreed to meet with us. We will continue to press for a meeting, so we can deliver the petition and put forward the views of the thousands of people who took time to sign the petition.
“Warrington people know what happens when the swing bridges close. It is worse if there are other traffic pressures at the same time, like a problem on the M6.”
She added that the campaign had revealed that a surprising number of people were not even aware of Peel’s proposals.
Cllr Axcell said: “I am particularly concerned that the Labour Council has written to Peel Ports more or less endorsing the plan.
“Traffic chaos resulting from more swing bridge closures won’t just be a problem in the south of the town but right across Warrington. Of course it is good to get freight off the roads and on to canals. But if Peel Ports intend to let most boats go through at peak traffic times, as they do now, the disruption to everyday life, emergency services and business in Warrington will be unacceptable.
“They must come up with some ways round this problem.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Does Peel Holdings own or have a contractual hold over the bridges which enables them to open and close them whenever they choose, regardless of what is going on the roads? On what basis is PH allowed to untilize the canal whilst all around is going on?

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