New detached house must provide a home for roosting bats!


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have given the go-ahead for the demolition of a detached house and the construction of a replacement dwelling on the same site – subject to the provision of proposals for roosting boxes for bats.

The condition was imposed by Warrington Borough Council planners after a survey showed that the existing house – Crofton, in Back Lane, Burtonwood (pictured above) – was being used as a day roost by a single Pipistrelle bat.
All species of British bat are protected.
Planners were told that the survey had resulted in a single bat being seen leaving the house at dusk and flying in the direction of another nearby property.
Two roosting boxes will be required on the new dwelling.
The proposals involve demolition of Crofton and the construction of a new, two-storey four-bedroom, replacement house in roughly the same location. A single storey garage is proposed on the western side of the property.
A driveway will provide space for three cars.

The new houses will be of contemporary design, with a hipped roof and light coloured render to the first floor elevations, with the ground floor finished in red brick.
A two-storey projecting gable feature, with a large glazed window above the main entrance door will be a feature of the principal elevation.
There were no objections to the proposals from neighbours, nor from Burtonwood and Westbrook Parish Council.


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