Getting race day ready: An essential guide to the Warrington Running Festival


GUEST writer Olivia Anderson is gearing up for the Warrington Running Festival on Sunday, September 22 and provides an essential guide for those taking part for the first time.

With the Warrington Running Festival just around the corner, many of you will be gearing up for the 5k, 10k or half marathon running events. Whether you’re aiming for a personal best or simply enjoying a run through Warrington town, here are some dos and dont’s to help you get over that finish line.

With the races starting and finishing at the iconic Golden gates, it seems the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself. So keep these tips in mind to help you on the big day.
Do’s and Dont’s

1) Fuel up
A good breakfast is essential for a successful run. Whether it’s the shorter or longer distance at the running festival , fueling your body a few hours before ensures you’ve got the energy to keep going and push yourself. Afterwards, when the hard work is all over, make sure to eat something then too. This helps replenish your body and will make you feel much better the next day.

2) Stay Hydrayed
Dont forget to also stay hydrated and drink lots of water. A handy tip is to have a hydration tablet beforehand. These are especially good if it ends up being a sunny weekend in Warrington (fingers crossed).

3) Dont Worry and be Happy
You must keep a positive mindset during a run. Enjoy the atmosphere and draw energy from the supporters or fellow runners around you to keep you motivated.

4) Get a good playlist ready
Music provides that needed boost during a run. So try and get a few hours of your favourite tunes into a playlist and youll be set for a great race.

5) Stay on track
Although it can be tempting to race off at the beginning of the running festival, try and focus on your own pace. Keep breathing and slow down if you need to. It’s better to finish the run feeling good than having to stop.

6) Dont be late
Make sure to get there with plenty of time. This ensures you can get that warm up done and stop you from feeling sore afterwards.
Remember, whether this is your first race or you’re adding another medal to your collection, enjoy the experience and check out the post-run festivities that are occurring afterwards.
Hopefully these tricks help you through your run at the Warrington Running Festival and now it’s over to you. Good Luck !

All the road closures you need to know for Warrington Running Festival


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