Police and Crime Commissioner launches £150k community fund


People across Warrington can now take positive action to help make their communities safer by accessing a new funding pot, thanks to Dan Price, Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC)

The community fund is the largest the PCC has made available and will empower communities to bring their good ideas to life.
The SWAP Fund – Safety, Working Together, Action and Prevention – comes from the Proceeds of Crime Act; money that has been actively seized or recuperated from criminals operating within the county. It takes money that was earned or acquired in a negative way and swaps it for a positive community change.
Anyone can apply for between £1k and £5k from the fund. It’s aimed at volunteer groups and not-for-profit organisations. It’s simple to apply online and decisions will be made within weeks.
Community funds have been available from the PCC office in previous years, but this year the SWAP fund is 50% larger and more flexible. Dan has also removed the requirement for all funds to be matched – communities can pledge volunteer hours instead.
Dan Price, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, said:  “Residents often know best when it comes to what their communities need to feel safer – that’s what the SWAP Fund is all about.
“I know from talking to so many residents across Warrington that there are some great ideas that could make a real difference. The SWAP fund is there to help bring those ideas to life. We have so many committed community champions in Warrington. I can’t wait to read some of these applications, visit some of these initiatives and see the positive impact this funding will have.”

Livewire Warrington applied for funding to train and develop young people from local communities into becoming leaders of the future.
Paul Flannery, Community Sports Development Manager, Livewire Warrington said:  “Funding from the PCC Community Fund was the catalyst for Livewire to begin delivering the award-winning youth mentor project ‘Back on Track’.
“By gaining this funding we were able to work with some of the most needy and complex young people in the county. The outcomes from this project have been phenomenal.
“None of this would have happened without the support from the PCC.”

The PCC wants to fund projects which focus on one of his priorities. He would like to fund innovative ideas which address one of the following:

  • Improve community safety
  • Reduce offending and reoffending
  • Supporting victims of crime
  • Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Youth engagement projects
  • Crime prevention and early intervention

More information about the fund and application form is available from www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk


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