Survey aims to understand older people’s wellbeing priorities


A NEW survey aimed at getting a better understanding of local people’s wellbeing priorities has been launched by Warrington Borough Council’s public health team.

The survey will gather information from as many people as possible about what they feel keeps them well now, and what they see as key factors in supporting them to stay healthy and happy as they age.
It includes a focus on what is important to people as they age – from connections with others and being part of activities and groups; to being mentally stimulated and spending time outdoors in green space.
The survey also asks for people views on how ‘age friendly’ Warrington is in areas such as providing good access to services and listening to the voices of older people.
All feedback will be taken on board and will help shape future health and wellbeing services for older people.

The survey only takes around 10 minutes to complete and by taking part, you put yourself in with a chance of winning a £20 voucher to spend at Warrington Market.
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin (pictured), the council’s cabinet member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care said: “It’s so important that as people grow older, they can remain active members of our communities, with good access to health services, cultural activities, groups and much more. We are committed to making this a reality in Warrington so that older residents can live happy, healthy and independent lives for as long as possible.
“We would be really grateful if you would spare us 10 minutes to give us your views and thoughts. What you tell us will help us understand how we can work together to make Warrington a more age-friendly place to live.”
This survey closes on Friday September 27.


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