Greedy grandmother cleaner who stole from 92-year-old woman jailed


A thieving cleaner from Warrington who betrayed the trust of a 92-year-old woman she worked for wept after she was jailed.

Grandmother Alison Lavell was caught red-handed after the victim’s worried son had secretly installed cameras in his mum’s home after money went missing.

Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday, Tuesday, that he placed £40 in her purse and after it vanished he viewed the footage and Lavell was seen having gone straight to the purse on two occasions and taken £20 each time.

Putting her behind bars for nine months Judge David Swinnerton told the 59-year-old Warrington woman, who had no previous convictions, “You committed this out of sheer greed.”

Lavell pleaded guilty to two theft offences on January 6 and 9 this year.

Oliver Saddington, prosecuting, said that £350 went missing from the victim’s home and it was thought that carers were to blame.
It was then agreed that money for them would be put in named envelopes but after they began being replaced with blank envelopes her son installed CCTV cameras.

On Boxing Day last year he put £40 in his mum’s purse and Lavell was captured on camera taking the cash on two occasions.
The victim, for whom Lavell had been working since 2018, told in a statement how she was devastated as she thought of the defendant as a friend and she felt deceived.

Helen Chenery, defending, said that Lavell was “deeply ashamed.” and that Lavell “did not know why she had done it” as she did not need the money.


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  1. £40 and there are people walking into shops stealing TVS and the police aren’t interested. Your home gets completely robbed and the police dont even follow it up. There are child abusers walking the streets. Warrington Police were just ticking boxes on this investigation. It was an easy target. 9 months in jail for £40 and sex offenders all had early release this week… shows that state of this country.

    • It was actually in the thousands she stole but we only proved the last £40, and her attitude throughout the whole case is what got her such a strong sentence. I agree though the world’s mental! She should be made to give the thousands back then she might think again about steeling, save prison for dangerous people!

    • Alison didn’t steal some random things from a shop, she was in my grandmas house gaining her trust pretending to be a friend and then abusing a robbing every chance she could! She deserves what she got and more, it’s not the ammount it’s the fact she abused a vunerable person and who knows how many others, I’m sure if it was your grandma you wouldn’t be complaining,

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