Labour MPs back ‘devo deal’ for Cheshire & Warrington


PROPOSALS to devolve more power to Cheshire and Warrington from Westminster are being backed by local Labour MPs Charlotte Nichols and Sarah Hall.

The new Labour Government is keen to move decision-making closer to communities, with the additional aim of boosting economic growth.

A meeting to explore a possible devolution deal was recently held between local government minister Jim McMahon MP and representatives from Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Warrington councils alongside Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington.
Now a supportive pro-devo letter has been sent to deputy prime minister Angela Rayner signed by Mike Amesbury MP (Runcorn and Helsby), Andrew Cooper MP (Mid Cheshire), Tim Roca MP (Macclesfield), Sarah Hall MP (Warrington South), Charlotte Nichols MP (Warrington North), Sarah Russell MP (Congleton) and Connor Naismith MP (Crewe and Nantwich).

It reads: “The devolution of power is strongly supported by Cheshire’s MPs, and we are eager to collaborate with the Labour Government and Cheshire’s local government leaders to make this a reality.”
But the MPs stress: “We firmly believe any devolution plans should be driven by grassroots opinion, ensuring the voice of the people shapes our future.”
The letter outlines that Cheshire and Warrington is home to nearly 1 million residents and has an economy worth approximately £35 billion.
There is a suggestion Ms Rayner should take up an invitation from Cheshire West and Chester Council leader Cllr Louise Gittins to visit the subregion and discover the ‘opportunities’ presented by devolution.
The MPs explain: “We have a proven track record of successful collaboration between local authorities and the private sector, working towards our vision of being the healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive, and growing economy in the UK.”
And their letter adds: “To maximise the potential of local devolution, we need comprehensive powers that allow for collaboration across key areas like transport, adult education and skills, health and social care, housing and planning.
“This will enable our region to thrive and provide a platform to speak with one voice at the national level.”
The MPs say the merits of different governance models, including an elected mayor, are ‘up for discussion’ but emphasise the need for a strong devolution deal to bring ‘significant benefits’ for residents.
Their letter to Angela Rayner concludes: “We are poised to support your mission to stimulate economic growth and look forward to discussing how we can reset our relationship with Whitehall to deliver sustainable and inclusive growth.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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