Mother holding baby struck in face twice by angry partner


A mum was hit twice in the face by her partner at their Warrington home while she was holding their 18-month-old baby, a court heard.

Jeffrey Barber had become angry after she asked him to move some of his property to allow scaffolders to erect equipment to begin work at their home.

Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday (Tue) that he refused and angrily suggested “get your boyfriend to f….ing do it”, said Simon Leong, prosecuting.

She told him to leave but he refused and asked if she wanted to start a fight and punched her with force to the left side of her face causing her to jolt back and feel pain in her jaw.
He went downstairs and she tentatively followed and found him holding their 18-month-old baby in the living room.

“He passed the child to her before arguing once again while she was holding the baby.
“She began to make her way out of the living room, planning to head towards the front door, but she was not able to make much progress because he slapped her twice across the face with sufficient force to cause her nose and lip to bleed. She was still holding the baby,” said Mr Leong.
“She managed to get out and fortunately the scaffolders were still there and screamed for them to call the police. He left and the police detained him further down the road. He was arrested and when interviewed made no comment,” said Mr Leong.

In an impact statement the victim, who had been in a relationship with Barber for about 15 years, told how she had been embarrassed taking their two young children to school and nursery because of her bruising.
She said that he had “destroyed our family. I wanted to grow old with the man but he has thrown it away.”

His former partner concluded by saying she has now moved away and feels less vulnerable.
Barber, 40, of Oakland Street, Poulton South, Warrington, pleaded guilty to two offences of assault by beating on September 12, last year.
The court heard that he has no previous convictions but has a caution in 2018 for assault.
Hunter Gray, defending, said that the couple’s relationship had been strained at the time but Barber did not seek to justify his actions.

Sentencing the defendant, Judge Andrew Menary, KC, the Recorder of Liverpool, said that apparently he had been up late the night before doing house work.
When the scaffolders arrived early in the morning he lost his temper and struck his partner to the face.

“These were nasty horrible things to do, punching someone to the face, never mind someone who was your long term partner, for no good reason.”
Judge Menary said that Barber is now working as a drayman and has secured accommodation and imposed a two year community order. He also ordered him to carry out 200 hours unpaid work and 10 days rehabilitation activities.


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