The Raven – Glazebury’s thriving community pub – to celebrate first birthday!


THE Raven – Glazebury’s thriving community pub – will be one year old on August 12.

To mark the occasion there will be a celebration on Friday, August 16 with a performance by comedians The Harper Brothers – the sons of Bobby Ball, of Cannon and Ball fame.
They have performed at The Raven a few times previously – and have always been well-received.
Raven spokesman Peter Sturman said: “This year has gone by so quickly. It hardly seems possible. Everyone is welcome to come along and celebrate.
“The Raven got off to a flying start last August. That was pretty much sustained for the rest of the year.
“There were blips along the way. It was effectively a new pub and a start-up business. But the Raven is a fantastic place. The staff are incredible. There have been so many people working so hard, to make this all possible.
“It is fair to say that after a very good festive period the start of the year provided some challenges. Not just for the Raven, but for just about everyone in a similar business.
“There are some very experienced people in the pub business who told us we were mad to start up a new pub when we did.
“For everyone involved, the Raven is a bit different, a bit special. Dedication, hard work, willpower and love of the place. The fantastic support of our shareholders and all of our customers. All those individual facets come together to provide a powerful force behind our community pub.
“During the first year the Raven has, true to tradition, hosted community events, helped raise thousands of pounds for various charities, formed a rambling and a cycle club and built upon the Raven Horticultural Society.

“Some shareholders have pioneered the Monday jam nights. One of our shareholders writes and hosts the incredibly popular Tuesday quiz night.
“Everyone is welcome to join in any of these activities. No doubt there will be more
community led events in the coming year.
“As we celebrate our first anniversary we must recognise the achievements of the last 12 months, whilst continuing to work hard to have a thriving community pub.
“A true community pub will always require the support and patronage of its shareholders and the wider community. A true community pub does not have a brewery behind it.
“The Raven will always need that support and patronage. The Raven must always strive to earn and deserve such support. It will not always be plain sailing.
It has to be a partnership.
“A really good first year, a very good foundation. Now we must build on that.”


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