What is Interpol diffusion?


Interpol, the international policing organisation, plays a pivotal role in combating transnational crime. Two crucial tools at its disposal are diffusions and red notices. These mechanisms assist member countries in apprehending criminals and collaborating on investigations.

Interpol diffusion notice is a mechanism of Interpol notices distribution, Designed for the rapid and efficient dissemination of critically important information about crimes and criminals among police agencies of member countries, this tool allows for the direct exchange of data between National Central Bureaus (NCBs) without the need for centralised processing through Interpol’s General Secretariat.

The main objectives of diffusion:

  1. Rapid information exchange: Diffusion enables the instant sharing of information about criminal elements, either preventing or responding to criminal activities in real-time.
  2. Flexibility in use: Since diffusions can be targeted at specific countries or regions, they provide a high degree of flexibility, allowing efforts to be focused where they are most needed.
  3. Support for international investigations: This tool facilitates cooperation between countries in complex international investigations, for example, in cases of cross-border organised crime or terrorism.
  4. Preventative action: Diffusions can be used to prevent crimes by alerting police departments to potential threats, such as possible terrorist attacks or international fraud.
  5. Enhancing international security: Swift and efficient information exchange through diffusion contributes to creating a safer international environment by accelerating the response to threats and aiding in the coordination of international efforts to maintain law and order.

Diffusions are often used to search for individuals involved in serious crimes, such as terrorism, human trafficking, or international financial fraud. For instance, following the Paris attacks in 2015, a diffusion was issued to look for the suspects.

What is an Interpol Red Notice?

An Interpol Red Notice is a request for the temporary arrest of an individual with the aim of extradition, based on a national arrest warrant. It is not an international arrest warrant, but it aids in international cooperation among law enforcement agencies.

A Red Notice can be removed if circumstances change, such as the withdrawal of national charges or recognition of the notice as politically motivated. Removal requires strict adherence to legal procedures and human rights protection standards.

How are red notices issued and who can request them?

A Red Notice can be issued by any National Central Bureau of a member country of Interpol, provided there are sufficient legal grounds to request the extradition of a suspect.

Typical use cases and examples of red notices

A Red Notice can be initiated by any National Central Bureau (NCB) of an Interpol member country that has sufficient legal grounds to request the extradition of a suspect. This process involves participation of international extradition attorney to ensure compliance with all necessary legal procedures.

These Interpol tools significantly contribute to strengthening global law and order and security, facilitating rapid information exchange and cooperation between police forces of different countries.

The key differences between diffusion and red notices

  1. Interpol diffusions are informal requests for the dissemination of information that do not carry the legal weight of arrest or extradition. They are used for the rapid exchange of information about criminals or threats, which can be utilised in investigations. Unlike diffusions, Interpol red notices have a more formal status and are used to request the arrest of an individual with the aim of subsequent extradition. Red notices are widely recognised in international law and can serve as a basis for international legal actions.
  2. The process of issuing diffusions is significantly quicker and less bureaucratic compared to red notices. Diffusions can be initiated directly by any NCB without the need for extensive international coordination, making them an ideal tool for urgent requests. Red notices, on the other hand, require a stricter adherence to procedures and the provision of sufficient evidence of charges, which takes more time.
  3. Although both tools are used within the Interpol international network, diffusions can be more flexibly tailored to specific geographical regions, depending on the particular needs of the requesting NCB. Red notices, being more formal, are distributed among all Interpol members, ensuring broad international coverage.
  4. An example of diffusion could include a scenario where there is an urgent need to disseminate information about an international cyberattack in order to alert other countries and prevent further attacks. An example of a red notice might involve a case with an international drug lord for whom a request for arrest and extradition is issued after a thorough examination of the charges and adherence to all formal procedures.

Connection with extradition

Red notices are directly related to the extradition process, as they are intended for the arrest and transfer of a criminal to the country levelling charges. These notices serve as a basis for international law enforcement agencies to act within their legislations to detain an individual pending the start of the extradition process. In contrast, diffusions are not directly related to extradition, as they are used solely for informational and operational purposes.



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