Plans for the first phase of Peel Hall development set to be approved


PLANS for the first phase of development on the controversial Peel Hall scheme come before Warrington planning chiefs next Thursday – with a recommendation for approval from officers.

The detailed application from Countryside Partnerships is for the layout, scale and appearance of 405 houses, playing fields and public open space on land bounded by the M62, Mill Lane, Poplars Avenue and Elm Road.
It follows the granting of outline planning permission by the Secretary of State in November 2021. For a mixed use neighbourhood with up to 1,200 homes, a care home, pub/restaurant, primary school, food store, hot food takeaway, etc.

The scheme will also require the demolition of five existing houses in Poplars Avenue. Ten objections have been received.

The Peel Hall development has had a lengthy history, with local residents strongly opposing it from the start, claiming it would result in the loss of the last bit of open land in the area.
It was refused by the borough council in 2017 but later approved by the Secretary of State following a lengthy public inquiry.
Officers say the proposals provide a good level of residential amenity for future occupiers and do not have an unacceptable impact on the residential amenity of existing adjoining residential properties.
The first phase will include 40 “affordable” homes which will be pepper-potted across the development and will be designed in a similar style to the market-housing.
When the plans were first lodged in February the developers said: “Countryside is committed to delivering residential development at land at Peel Hall which, in its entirety, will provide major benefits including new homes, extra care provision, primary school, sports provision, care home, public open space and a new local centre, both for existing and future residents.”
Members of Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee will consider the proposals on Thursday.


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  1. There are now 1667 homes in total in the half mile radius of this site. The 1200 plus 440 at the old Chester university campus plus the 27 behind the plough and a site next to it up for grabs. With the planning chair saying that a visit during the application wasn’t worth organising because everyone knows what a green field looks like when the 27 was approved he obviously takes the lead on the decision. God only knows why the Cannon made that recommendation and if he is still in the seat we know why it has already been approved ahead of Thursday’s meeting don’t we?

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