Head and Neck Cancer Support Group offer help and advice


THE Warrington and Halton Head and Neck Cancer Support Group recently received a presentation from Dr Heulwen Sheldrick, Senior Speech and Language Therapist, from Clatterbridge Cancer Hospital.

Dr Sheldrick’s presentation was very well received and provoked a lively discussion and helped those present to further understand issues which affect sufferers following surgery and other treatments.

Group co-ordinator Dave Betts QPM, said: “Again an excellent meeting which involved input from all those attending. Our goal is to include and encourage as many local folk who are either showing early signs or symptoms of head and neck cancer or those dealing with such cancers post surgery or treatment.

“We meet at 2.30pm every fourth Thursday of the month at Warrington Disability Partnership’s Centre for Independent Living. Many of our group have benefitted tremendously by talking with others who have been at the same stage in their lives. I can guarantee you will find it so beneficial.”

For more information email [email protected] or call 0788 138 4365.


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