Latchford man of impeccable character jailed for child sex offences involving 12-year-old boy


A Latchford man who “inexplicably”engaged in sexual activity with a 12-year-old boy in his car has been put behind bars.

Paul Lawrinson, who was described of “impeccable character”, met the boy who had set up a Grindr account claiming he was 18.

The boy, who cannot be identified because of his age, said in the dating site app that he was “looking for fun” and he began messaging with 50-year-old Lawrinson.

Their conversations quickly became sexualised, said Rebecca Smith, prosecuting, and they discussed performing sex acts and they arranged to meet on February 15 this year by Sankey Valley Park.
The boy’s friends, who knew about this, hid nearby in bushes as Lawrinson parked up in his car and after the boy got in the back seat he joined him there.
“There was small talk between them and this turned very quickly onto what sexual acts would be performed,” Miss Smith told Liverpool Crown Court.
At the defendant’s request the boy performed oral sex on him and it was DNA following that act found on the boy’s hoodie that helped prove the defendant’s involvement.
Lawrinson gave the boy £50 and he rejoined his friends who included two girls who told their parents what had happened.
The defendant and the boy continued their online conversations and agreed to meet up at the same place the next day and discussed what reward the complainant wanted.

Lawrinson, of Gainsborough Road, Latchford, queried whether the boy was actually 18 and he said he was 16, said Miss Smith.
They met again and the boy refused to perform oral sex on him but did kiss him and touched his penis over clothing. After he handed over vapes the boy got out and met up with his friends, who had again been hiding nearby.
The offences came to light after the parents of his friends told his school staff and the police became involved.
When arrested on March 13 he said, “It makes sense now. I now know who this is. He said he was 18 and then said 16.
“I got scared as they were filming me as I drove off.”

Lawrinson, who has no previous offences, pleaded guilty to rape and sexual assault and was jailed for five years and four months.
In an impact statement the victim, who suffers from ADHD, said the offences had badly impacted him and he kept reliving them and was finding school hard.
Jeremy Rawson, defending, said that Lawrinson was of impeccable character and it was a matter of shame that he had become involved in this offending.
He has always worked and had expressed genuine remorse and regret for his behaviour.

The judge, Recorder Tania Griffiths, KC, said the boy had clearly been younger than 16 and his life has now changed since the offences with his parents restricting his activities.
Others at his school knew what had happened and this would follow him throughout his educational years and perhaps beyond.
“You’ve had the benefit of a good upbringing and it is inexplicable why you carried out these offences,” she said.
She imposed an extended one year licence and ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life and imposed a 20 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.


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