How to Reach the Top-100 on iTunes in Different Countries


Any musician who gets into the top-100 on iTunes charts has reached a stage of exposure, solidification and likely an increase in sales and streams. However, achieving this feat requires strategic planning and a multifaceted approach to promotion.

his article looks into various types of promotion which will help you get to the top-100 on iTunes in different countries including paid for promotion.


Non-paid Promotion

The music itself is the bedrock for any successful promotional campaign. Ensure all your tracks are well-produced, mixed and mastered to industry standards. Good quality music is more likely to be shared or recommended by others. Have a complete iTunes profile that looks professional. Include high-quality images, compelling bio as well as correct metadata in your profile page of iTunes accounts. You should also make sure that your genre tags are accurate enough for fans to find you easily. Make use of Instagram, Twitter, TikTok among other platforms to promote your music where you can share snippets and behind-the-scenes content while engaging with followers. Work with influencers so as to reach out to a wider audience.

Digitally Marketed Strategies

  • Email Marketing: Develop email lists comprising of your fans then send them newsletters with updates regarding your music, tour dates and exclusive contents in itunes page linking directly towards the next show that comes up
  • Content marketing: make a blog or YouTube channel, and post music-related content there. This can be lessons, personal stories, industry advice etc. The goal is to convince viewers to visit your iTunes page.
  • SEO and Keywords: make your content visible on search engines. Use appropriate key words in the title of the song, description or even social media posts. When people are searching on related items, this will enable them to find your music.

Having your music listed on popular playlists can increase sales and streams massively. Submit tracks to playlists curators on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. Get your music played on internet radio stations as well as podcasts that have dedicated listeners who may become new fans that will buy it from iTunes.

Paid Promotion

Consider running targeted ads for iTunes purchases on social media sites. These ads can focus on specific demographics or geographical areas so that consumers will purchase through itunes more frequently. Apple has promotional opportunities within the iTunes store itself. Advertising through these channels allows potential buyers to see your songs right where they are sold. Enlist influencers who will market your music by having them create content around it leading their followers to your iTunes page or use professional promo service to pitch music in iTunes Top-100.


On iTunes, ranking among the top 100 implies a mix of unpaid promotion efforts, e-marketing campaigns, networking and occasionally even buying space. All these mechanisms could be instrumental in enhancing your visibility as well as sales that will let you ascend to the charts on multiple territories. While free methods lay the foundation for your success, sponsored means may give them that extra push needed to accomplish a desired goal. By resorting to these techniques you up your chances of attaining a Top-100 iTunes Breakout Position − and earn some well-deserved respect for your tunes!


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