WI get a taste for Rock ‘n’ Roll lifestyle from other half of Slade


MEMBERS of Lymm Jubilee WI were given a fascinating insight into the Rock ‘n’ Roll by the wife of former Slade frontman Noddy Holder.

Suzan Holder, married to musician, actor and presenter Noddy Holder (of ‘Slade’ fame); Suzan spoke with integrity and candour about her ‘rock and roll’ life, interspersed with many humorous anecdotes.
Originally having trained as a journalist, she moved into TV production and has now written two novels. Both books are romantic adventures with a musical twist and plans are ongoing for a possible UK theatre tour of her award-winning play ‘Shake it up Baby’.
She spoke in front of a wonderful turn out of members to Lymm Jubilee’s May Day meeting at the Baptist church on Wednesday.

After the announcement of the main notices, the events team gave an overview of all forthcoming spring and summer activities, to include a car treasure hunt in June and a summer BBQ in July.
This Saturday 18 May is the much-anticipated annual Lymm May Queen festival and members were given details of the theme, costumes (kindly modelled by one committee member!) and decorations for this year’s float.
Certificates were then handed out to those who had taken part in the regional darts competition and to the ‘joint first’ winners of the recent quiz heat. Two bowls teams have also been organised and are in training for their upcoming matches.

As summer draws near and temperatures rise, it’s a sign that the Royal Cheshire Show is fast approaching. The renowned WI marquee will once again be a popular venue for visitors to the show. Members were reminded of the categories for entries to the show and that there was still time to volunteer to help with the exhibits or to serve refreshments.
Copious amounts of delicious homemade cakes were eaten before members were treated to the entertaining talk from Suzan Holder.
Suzan was given a heartfelt thanks for her captivating talk and the meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem.


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