Green Belt land can be used for equestrian purposes despite opposition


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have approved an application to use Green Belt land for equestrian purposes despite strong opposition from more than 30 nearby residents.

The objectors say they have no objection to horses grazing on the land but are opposed to proposed buildings to be used as stables and storage.
They argue that claims that the land has been used for equestrian purposes previously are unfounded. Although it has been used for grazing horses this was prior to 2015 and more recently it has been used for agricultural purposes.
The land is off Cuerdley Road, Penketh and is about 0.33Ha in size.
There are a number of existing buildings on site which would be demolished as part of the scheme.

Objectors claimed any development on the site would be harmful to the openness and permanence of the Green Belt. They also argued that increased traffic and access for horseboxes and trailers would cause traffic issues, particularly in view of existing on-street parking arising from the football field on Doe Green.
One objector noted that major development on the site of the former Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station will have a harmful impact on wild life if other Green Belt land is lost. There are also concerns that the proposals would clear the way for further development proposals.
But planning officers said equestrian use of the site was considered acceptable. All trees and hedgerows would be retained, along with further habitat creation.


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