Dance studio seeks permission to expand


A DANCE studio operating from a former community centre will be able to expand if Warrington planning chiefs give the go-ahead.

The JC Dance Academy, in River Road, Latchford won planning consent to change the use of the community centre in 2013 – moving into the flat-roofed L-shaped building.
The site backs onto properties on Burgess Avenue.

Permission is now sought for the addition of a freestanding, prefabricated building on the site to provide an additional dance studio. The proposed building would be single storey and would measure 10.8 metres by 6.6 metres with a pitched roof. The building would be timber-clad.
Warrington Borough Council planning officers are recommending the scheme be approved.
They say the proposed new building would support the expansion of a local Warrington business and enhance the services which can be provided to the local community.
The proposed building would have no long term impacts on the character and appearance of the area and should not result in any significant harm to the amenity of nearby residents.
One objection has been received – from a resident who claims the existing dance activity causes a noise issue


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