Unsafe outhouse set to be demolished at popular pub


PLANS to demolished an unsafe outhouse in the grounds of a popular Warrington pub have been submitted to the borough council.

The scheme involves a building adjoining the Dog and Partridge in Manchester Road.
Applicants say the building is a risk to the public and pub staff. It has crumbling brickwork and weeds are growing out of the roof.
They plan to demolish the building carefully, starting with the roof and then slowly dismantling the walls.
The bricks would be cleaned and safely stacked for any future development works. The site will be safely secured while the work is being carried out.
The pub has a beer garden and play area and removal of the unused building will ensure the safety of people using the external areas, the applicants maintain.
Neither the pub nor the outbuilding are Listed an d the site is not within a conservation area.


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