Launching success: how to start a furniture removal business


For as long as people are moving house at various points in their lives, there’s going to be a demand for a high-quality removal company. But this is a fairly competitive space, and forging a successful business here typically means getting off to the right start. But what should a good business launch look like for a furniture removal company?

Research and Planning

Before you get started, you’ll want to have an idea of two important factors. These are the local demand, and the local competition (which is to say, the extent to which that demand is already being catered to).

The difference between these two things represents the potential gap in the local market. It will also inform your target market, and your pricing strategy. Are most of your local customers moving short distances? How much money do they have available, and how much furniture do they need to move?

Your business plan should provide answers to these questions, which can be later revisited when you come to devise a new plan.

Once you’ve settled on a business model, you can often start trialling the actual removal process. You can take out some one-day van insurance to limit your costs while you’re doing this. This process can be a valuable source of information during the formative stages of the business.

Legal and Licensing Requirements

If your business is going to operate, then it will need to abide by certain legal requirements. If you’re only going to be moving within a single country, these requirements are not stringent. But if you’re shipping overseas, things can become complex rapidly. It’s worth looking beyond what’s legally required in this situation. Membership of an organisation like Fido might provide your would-be clients that they’re dealing with a high-quality business that can be trusted with prized furniture.

Fleet and Equipment Acquisition

Setting up a furniture removal company means having access to a fleet of suitable vehicles, along with the equipment required for safe loading and unloading. This will represent a sizeable chunk of your up-front expenditure, so it’s important that you get it right from the start. Vans should be of the right size for the kind of move you’re doing. Beyond that, they should be reliable and fuel-efficient. When it comes to equipment, a good blend of dollies, blankets and securing straps is critical. If you already have experience with furniture removal, then you might already have a good eye for the kinds of equipment that are required.

Marketing and Customer Acquisition

A good removal company will rely on a combination of both online and offline marketing prongs. Having a professional website and a presence on social media are both essential. The same can be said of customer reviews and referrals, which will help to cement your reputation during the early period. The quality of your service will determine your ability to acquire new business through word-of-mouth; make sure, therefore, that your services are impeccable!


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