Arsonist who set young mum’s car on fire in grudge attack jailed


A young single mum from Warrington was horrified when her car was burnt out in a grudge arson attack by a man she had rebutted advances from.

And when she put photographs of the wreckage on Facebook the culprit, Conner Murray commented, “Karma is a bitch. You and your boyfriend should have kept your mouth shut. It will only get worse.”

When a neighbour commented that it was “disgusting” Murray wrote, “Yours will be next” alongside a laughing emoji, Liverpool Crown Court heard today. (Fri)

The next day there was a conversation between the partner of the victim, Amy Hayes, and Simm in which the defendant said, “Shut up you little grass, it’ll be your house next.”
The court heard that the car, a Nissan Juke, worth £6,000 was a write-off after Murray poured petrol over it outside the victim’s home in Fox Street, Warrington and set it alight. The victim had bought the vehicle three years earlier for £11,000.

Chris Hopkins, prosecuting, said that Murray was arrested and interviewed on July 9 this year when he denied the offence and called Ms Hayes “a lying bitch.”
An impact statement was read by Mr Hopkins from the victim in which she told how her anxiety levels had been exacerbated.
Murray, aged 23, who was appearing via video link from prison, interrupted to shout out, “that’s bullshit” and later “f…..that bitch.”
After being warned to be quiet by the judge Mr Hopkins continued and said that Ms Hayes had been unable to get to work or take her two-year-old child to nursery without a car.

Murray, formerly of Plumtree Avenue, Bewsey and Whitecross, Warrington, pleaded guilty to arson.
Anna Duke, defending, said that on the day of the offence July 8 Murray had been drinking and taking drugs. “He appears to suffer from a moderate depressive disorder.”
“He had had intrusive thoughts but it was unlikely he would act on them again because he knows they are wrong.”
She added that Murray is immature and has been working as a gardener while in custody on remand. He had never been to prison before.

The judge, Recorder Jeremy Lasker, said, “I am quite sure it was a planned, premeditated and targeted attack.
“It seems you had known this young lady for two or three years. The reason why you had a grudge is not entirely clear.”
He said it might be because in March she had rebutted his advances towards her.
The judge said that the defendant had bought a can of petrol and a cigarette lighter from a garage in Lovely Lane, Warrington before going to the scene and setting the car alight in the early hours of the morning.
He sentenced Murray, now of Co-operative Street, Dewsbury, to 14 months imprisonment. He also made an indefinite restraining order to keep away from his victim.


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