Sponsored abseil provides bittersweet moment for retired photographer


RETIRED photographer Alan Taylor had a bittersweet moment when he was on hand to take pictures of his son and grandson abseiling down the side of the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in memory of his wife.

Until his retirement twenty years ago, Alan Taylor was well known in Lymm for his photographic work as Chief Photographer of the Cheshire Guardian group.

In that time he undertook a huge range of assignments but there can have been none more emotional or bittersweet than his “shoot” at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre recently.

He was there to photograph son Michael(52) and grandson Josh (16) who were taking part in a charity abseil down the 150-foot glass front of the building in aid of the hospital. It was their way of saying thank you to the staff who had cared for Alan’s wife, Eileen, who sadly passed away there on July 29th this year.
It was Michael who, on the very morning of Eileen’s funeral had spotted the opportunity to take part in the weekend of fundraising activities.
“It was not an easy time for any of us” explained Michael “and the thought of being able to do something positive for my mum and for the Centre gave us something worthwhile to focus on.
“I won’t pretend I wasn’t nervous and was a little concerned for my son Josh who had never tackled anything like this before – I needn’t have worried, his experience in the fire cadets obviously stood him in good stead. He had nerves of steel”.

Grandson Josh added: “It was kind of surreal. As we were bouncing down the building we were looking into some of the wards where the staff and patients were cheering us on. At the same time passing cars were beeping their horns and people were applauding.”
Their exploits have so far raised £1,105 plus gift aid for Clatterbridge on a fundraising weekend that saw many others facing challenges in support of the hospital’s charity.
“The response has been amazing” added Alan. “The abseil plus the collection at the funeral mean that all together we have raised close to £2,000.
“I will be thrilled to be able to pass this on to Clatterbridge. I am so proud of my lads, as I know Eileen would have been, and so grateful to all those who have contributed in her memory.”
It’s still not too late if you would like to add the fund. Simply go to www.justgiving.com/team/2taylors


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


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