Katya runs to raise money for the RSPCA


A WOMAN who only started running during the pandemic is to tackle her first organised race to raise money for the RSPCA at Warrington.

Katya Smith was out of breath within minutes when she first went running. But after training with the Chester Road Runners she is now confident she can complete a half marathon at Conwy, in North Wales when she takes part in the Conwy Marathon on November 19. And she has already exceeded her fundraising target of £250.

“This will be the first race I have entered so I feel nervous, particularly as it will be very hilly, but I know I am capable of doing the distance and often it is more of a mental game thinking of the distance you have to go at the start.
“At first I was worried about asking people to donate as I know times are hard. But I have been overwhelmed by the level of support for the cause and by people’s generosity.”
Katya volunteers as a fosterer for the RSPCA Warrington, Halton and St Helens branch.
She fosters animals from the RSPCA centre in Slutchers Lane, Warrington, which takes in animals which have been abandoned or mistreated.
“I work from home, which is ideal for fostering an animal was many of them like to have company during the day.
“I only started volunteering as a fosterer with the RSPCA this year and I have already seen in this short time the amazing work that the staff and volunteers do at the centre in Warrington

“I would foster all of the animals if I could. Running the half marathon and organising a fundraiser is a way for me to support all of the cats and dogs that I can’t foster at the same time in another way. The more funds I can raise for the RSPCA, the more animals they can help.”

Anyone can help Katya raise more money for the RSPCA by clicking here



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