Semi-detached houses in garden of listed cottage get go-ahead


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have given the go-ahead to proposals for a pair of semi-detached houses in the garden of a locally listed cottage.

The development is at Station Cottages, Padgate – closed to Padgate railway station, which is also a locally listed building.
Four existing cottages are locally listed and nearby residents have expressed concern at the loss of parking spaces for one of them and for the public on an adjoining council-owned car park. They also ask that it be ensured that the development does not encroach onto the access route to a nearby scout headquarters.

But there were no objections from the borough council’s conservation officer, environmental protection, the trees and landscaping officer, estates and valuation nor from Network Rail and United Utilities.
Planning officers said the new properties would closely resemble the existing locally listed buildings. They concluded that the proposals would have no unacceptable impacts on visual amenity, would not harm the character of the existing properties nor on the living conditions of neighbours.
There would also be no impact on the local highway network.


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  1. What would be the point in protesting? No one at WBC would take notice anyway. If they make a decision whether to build or demolish it goes through. People should remember this at local and general election time.

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