MP investigating ways of challenging Warburton toll bridge decision


WARRINGTON South MP Andy Carter says he is “incredibly disappointed” by the decision to allow tolls to increase from 12p-£1 to fund repairs on the Warburton toll bridge and is considering what options to take to challenge the decision.

It follows on from a planning inspector ruling in favour of Peel following a public inquiry held in Warrington.

Mr Carter said: “The Planning Inspector’s decision to allow Peel to proceed with their toll increase on the Warburton Bridge is an incredibly disappointing outcome. I have opposed these plans at every stage and I share the frustration of my constituents, particularly those who are frequent users of this crossing for work purposes. It is not fair that they should be saddled with the costs of the Bridge repair works.

“Since the Inspector released his report I have been meeting with senior Council Officers, Clerks in the House of Commons and the Transport Minister to discuss what possible options are open to me as the MP to challenge the decision. When I spoke with the Minister Huw Merriman MP, I made clear my opposition and have urged him to look again at how the Bridge repair costs can be split between the Manchester Ship Canal owners and motorists who need to travel over the bridge.

“While I am presently not aware of any method to amend the Order myself in the House of Commons, there is a right to challenge the validity of Orders made under the Transport Works Act within 42 days of the Order being made if the decision reached is not within the powers of the TWA or if any requirement imposed by or under the TWA has not been complied with.
“Such a challenge must be made via an application to the High Court and has to come from the Local Authority, not the MP.
Having spoken with the Chief Executive of Warrington Brough Council about this, it is my understanding that the Council are now taking legal advice on the grounds for such an application. I will support them in any way I can should they decide to proceed.”

At the time of the judgement, Cllr Hans Mundry, cabinet member for highways and transportation, said: “As a council, we are dismayed that the judgement has not been ruled in our favour.
“We believe we put forward a very strong and compelling case. Objection to the toll bridge price hike is a matter that has cross-party consensus and overwhelming support from our residents and businesses, too. This decision doesn’t appear in line with the lengthy and detailed feedback the council, partners and residents put forward.
“In the order decision, the inspector acknowledged that increasing the toll would cause considerable financial pressure for people who are reliant on the bridge. It is a great shame that despite this the ultimate judgement is to proceed with plans to increase charges.
“We don’t dispute the benefits of upgrading the bridge and its approach roads, and introducing an automated tolling system. What we do dispute however is who will ultimately be paying for these improvements.
“We will carefully consider our position and next steps in light of this decision.”


Council dismayed at Warburton Toll Bridge decision to increase charges from 12p to £1


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. Don’t forget the toll bridge is short stretch just before the pay booth. The River Mersey used to run under it before the ship canal diverted it its now a farmers field underneath now. It is not the higher level bridge over the Ship Canal.

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