The Elephant in the Room – an absorbing new children’s book


AN absorbing new children’s book, “The Elephant in the Room”, written by Ian James of Warrington is published today – aligning with World Mental Health Day.

This powerful book seeks to encourage children to open up and discuss their feelings, nurturing vital emotional intelligence skills at a young age.
In today’s world, where young minds encounter various emotional challenges, ‘The Elephant in the Room’ emerges as a beacon of support and understanding. Through beautiful storytelling and charming illustrations, the book addresses the notion that sharing a problem with loved ones can often result in them helping by giving invaluable advice.
This story unfolds in a light-hearted and relatable manner, introducing readers to a little boy, Henry, who grapples with a problem with his friends at school. The book’s engaging narrative encourages children to explore their feelings, teaching them that it is okay to share their emotions and worries.
“The Elephant in the Room” does more than just entertain; it encourages conversations between parents, caregivers and children. In a world where conversations around mental health are increasingly vital, this book provides a nurturing platform for families to broach these essential topics.
Ian James, said: “I wrote ‘The Elephant in the Room’ to spark meaningful conversations between parents, caregivers, and children. The aim is to help young minds navigate emotions and feel confident in discussing their feelings.
“Henry is a little boy who has trouble with his friends at school – something a lot of children can relate to. Hopefully anyone going through something similar can recognise their own situation and speak to their family or loved ones, learning that sharing a problem can help.”
The book launch on World Mental Health Day reflects the commitment to addressing mental health issues in children and promoting emotional well-being from an early age. ‘The Elephant in the Room’ is available online from today from


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